Rant page .5

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I wanna run in the forset, pretty asf creeks, mini lakes with hella good sunset views with a friend/friends find & collect weird/pretty looking rocks and stones without having the fear of getting kidnap or killed by animals. 

Go to the nearest gas station for slushies and Dunkin donuts at 3 am on skateboards/longboards with someone until the sunrises. 

Dye my hair crazy colors after getting a wolf cut, go broke from buying platform shoes, random shit that's just gonna look nice on my shelves and desk, watch random anime and movies on Netflix until the next day

I wanna dress like a fairy, like a fucking princess at the same time rock a fucking black suit, a rainbow on legs and all-black baggy clothes

Get a nose piercing with I'm 18 and more ear piercings with I turn 17 so I can look badass

Have mini tattoos of things i love like hello kitty and skulls from my shoulder to my arm and not get judged by my anyone family or not

Buy a gaming pc so a can game until 5 am playing Genshin impact and Minecraft without looking like I haven't slept for 2 years

Drink monster energy knowing that shit isn't good for me

Get my mental health, physical health and looks together and not just dream how I want myself To be before I turn 19 in 2-3 years from now and have a good looking face to match my 4-6 pack

Stop being lazy from time to time and procrastinating when I need to get things done so I can get places in life

I wish I didn't have b00bs they annoy me to death and make me feel uncomfortable especially in anything like dresses and tee-shirt unless their baggy

Be a bit more social and not avoid human interactions when my own mother throws me in a group with people my age

Go to a fucking pride parade with my bothers so i can show them how cool it is without getting sick and shit

Not want to throw me off a building when someone call me a bitch for defending myself or being an emotional baby

Not sound like a fucking 11/12-year-old girl in calls, face time, and video it makes me cringe when people say my voice is cute.

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