Chapter 25

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Jayda's POV
Friday, September 25, 2022

I woke up to my alarm going off. I got up and turned it off. Billie just stayed here since she was already sleepy from previous events. I went to my closet picking out my outfit, and I went to the bathroom.

I did my morning routine before heading to my sister room and knocking on the door. "What!" She yelled in frustration. "Get up asshole." I said as I walked away. I went to my room to wake up billie.

She was sprawled out over the bed. I chuckled at the sight, she was kind of a wild sleeper, but she always stayed in one spot when I'm laying with her. I guess her body knows when someone is by her.

"Princess wake up." I said as I shook her. Her eyes opened half way before she rolled over and looked at me. "Time for school." I said. she sat up and rubbed her eyes. She didn't say anything though, which was odd.

"You ok?" I asked. She shook her head no. "Come here." I said and I pulled her into a hug as she began to cry. "We'll talk later yea?" I told her. She nodded. "Go ahead, I'll pick out your clothes and stuff.

She got out of bed before heading to the bathroom. After a few minutes she came back with a towel wrapped around her. "Come." I said to her, She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

I hugged her back giving her a light squeeze. "I don't want to go." She said, but it came out raspy since she hasn't talked before now. "I know baby, but you have to ok? It'll be over soon." I said softly as I rubbed her back.

"Cmon, put on your clothes, and then I can get us some food." I said. She nodded before pulling away from the hug. She stood on her tippy toes and gave me a peck on the lips before walking to the bed and getting changed.

While she was doing that, I was putting light make up on, and finding some shoes to wear for me and billie. These were out outfits.

 These were out outfits

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Billie's outfit

Jayda's outfit (picture a black jacket

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Jayda's outfit (picture a black jacket.)

"You ready to go amour?" I asked billie. She nodded. I grabbed her hand and walked downstairs. "You look so pretty angel." I said to her. She's probably just having an off day. I saw her blush and she looked down.

"Thank you." She said quietly. I opened the car door for her and she got in. I went to the drivers side and got in as well. I started the car and handed my phone to billie. "What you wanna eat my love?" I asked. 

She looked at me for a second. "Dunkin?" I asked. She nodded. I drove to dunkin getting two ice coffee's and two bacon, egg, and cheese croissants. After I ordered I paid and gave billie her drink and food.

"Ready?" I asked her. She nodded as she ate her croissant. I drove to school as I ate and we got out the car drinking our coffee. That is until a random kid tripped billie. I pushed him against the locker and he looked at me terrified. 

"Did you think that shit was funny?" I asked him. "N-No I'm sorry." He said shakingly. "Then why do it?" I asked. "It was a routine, I-I always trip her, S-Sarah told me to, I promise I won't do it again." He said quickly.

"P-Please don't hurt me." He squeaked out. I punched him before shoving him back into the lockers. I looked at billie and she was holding her ankle in pain. "I-It hurts." She said quietly as a tear rolled down her cheek. 

She quickly wiped it and looked at me. I looked down at her ankle. "Yea, it looks like it's sprained. I gotta take your shoe off." I said. She nodded as she laid her head back on the lockers. 

I untied her shoe as loose as I could before slowly pulling it off. I saw billie shut her eyes tightly before letting out a small sob. She continued to try and wipe her tears, not liking people see her cry. 

I finally got her shoe off and she opened her eyes. "Go!" I yelled at everyone. Everyone scattered to their classes as I looked at billie. "Cmon, I'm going to take you to the nurse." I said as I turned around so she can climb on my back. 

"My coffee." She said quietly. "I'll let you have mine, cmon." I said as I picked up my coffee, and walked to the nurse's office. "Good morning Jayda and billie." She said. "Morning, uh someone tripped billie and she sprained her ankle pretty bad." I said as i sat billie in the chair. 

"Oh, let me see if I have some bandages." She mumbled. She gave billie an ice pack. "Hold that on there until its warm. I'll go get some bandages, in the meantime Jayda get to class." She said. "But-." Billie cut me off.

"It's fine, I'll be fine." She said quietly as she looked out the window. I didn't want to leave billie alone, especially considering she used to cut herself. "Okay, just text me if you need me ok?" I told her.

She didn't respond, I sighed and went out the door. "Could you tell her teachers she's with me for today, she's not going to be able to go to any classes. Oh and bring her work." The nurse said. "Yea of course." I said.

I walked to first period and told the teacher what happened, and he gave me two assignments. One for me and one for billie. That's how it went all through out the day. I got my assignment along with billie's.

It's now the end of the day and I was waiting for the bell to ring so I could go see billie. I did a couple of her assignments for her, so she won't have to do as much. The bell finally rung and I shot up out of my seat. 

I ran straight to the nurse office and knocked on the door. "Come in." I walked in and seen billie sleep, but her ankle was wrapped up. "Oh hey Jayda. If the pain gets worse she'll need a boot, and she needs crutches." She said.

I nodded. I went to pick up billie and she laid her head on my shoulder. "Bye." I said as I left the room. I went to my locker and grabbed her shoe, and then headed to my car. I sat her in the passenger side and she was awake.

I got in the car after that and looked at her. "Billie? Is there something you wanna tell me?" I asked her. She looked at me teary eyed. She had been balling her fist tight, but I seen blood coming from it. 

"I didn't cut myself, but I couldn't stop from hurting myself."


A/n- Sorry for mistakes, stay safe. Love you.!

1214 words  

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