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In a far off land there was once a powerful and great king. He ruled over all the land, every thing you saw was once his. To every ocean, to every speech of sand in the desert, to every tree in the great forest of old. Everyone loved him, we'll almost everyone.

There was one man, a thief. He was assaulted by the kings guards eairler that year. He took his complains to the king but he only laughted and had the guards do it again but only this time in front of the kings very eyes.

You see the king was an awful man, he felt nothing. No pain, no sadness, no love. The only emotion he felt was hate. In only forms of hate, scorn, loathing...........

On day the king was out hunting with 3 of his best guards. They had wandered deeper into the forest then they had ever been before. The trees seemed to screamed in agony with there narled roots and twisted branches.

They were tracking a golden deer but they had lost it in the darkness. But still they traveled deeper and deeper into the woods, soon the guards begain to show fear.

The king threatened to banish them to the waste lands of the Nevermore. But they began to flee anyways.

That's when a beast the size of a boulder flew out of the tree and took out two of guards in once swipe. The last guard was the bravest and stayed to protect his king. But as the creature was going to strike again, a cavern of moonlight pored into the glen on the creature, shattering it into a million tiny pieces. Spreading out all over the word falling into the crakes and crevasse.

The king was about to retreat , when a women appeared from behind a tree. She was the most beautiful women the king had ever seen.

She had flowing black hair that was as black as coal, eyes that were as blue the farthest sea, and skin as white as a cloud. She was draped in a shimmering gown that moved with every move she made. It looked as though someone had cut up all the stars in the sky and placed then on her.

He gaped at the woodlen beauty, nothing was hidden in her face, every thought, word, and emotion showed on her face. Curiosity, wonder, confusion, love, but mostly sadness.

She stepped out even farther and he resized that her feet were not touching the ground. She hovered over the ground, never touching it but always awhere of where she was going.

The king was astonished at her. He dismounted his horse and carefully approached her. As she got closer he resized that she was wearing a crown of pears that seemed to capture the moons light.

He asked her what her name was, she said "Sapphire" her voice sounded like a thousand winds whispering and the voices of the dead humming there melancholy tune.He grabbed her and her back to his kingdom where he made her his wife.

After there wedding when everyone had gone to the after party she snuck out and went to the sea line in which the castle was overshadowing.

And before the king could take her away she shed 2 tears in which they landed in the ocean. Causing the Moon King to shed tears, because you see the Moon was her father and she was the very first Moon Princess.......and now Queen.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2013 ⏰

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