f o u r

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.04| Saige
-not edited-

AFTER EVERY RAINY DAY comes a sunny one. Just like (usually) after every bad day, comes a good one.

In this case, it just happens to be the first day of our senior year.

Which we all forgot was this morning, until we woke up in various places of my living room screaming about having school in 30 minutes. Things were chaotic to say the least.

Luckily, everyone had their heads attached the night before and managed to bring overnight bags, with everything they needed for school in their cars.

So while the boys rolled onto the floor, changed, and were ready to go, Lilah, Emi and I were running around screaming trying to get ready on time. From sharing the bathroom for our hair and makeup to desperately trying on a million outfits, things were tiring.

Finally, we were all ready by seven thirty, leaving us a good thirty minutes to get breakfast and get to school.

I grab a banana as we all pile into Lucas' car, deciding him to be the driver today.

Emi and Lilah both helped to pick out my outfit, a pair of ripped mom jeans with a white tube top and neutral colored flannel, plus my air forces. My hair is back in a clip, small pieces pulled out to neatly frame my face, and a light layer of natural makeup.

Lilah's wearing a short black skirt, with a white crop top and sandals, her blonde hair braided back neatly.

And Emi, who was the only one to have her outfit decided ahead of time. It's a yellow sundress, with white lace detail, and white wedges. Her curly hair is down, flowing across her back.

We look hot.

The guys of course are all wearing various versions of the same thing- random t-shirts and khaki shorts with tennis shoes. The same outfit they wear literally every single day.

God it must be nice to be a boy.

After a morning of screaming, chaos and running around like crazy, the six of us are calmly walking into Baywater High, finally reunited in time for our senior year.

We walked down the hallways joking around, asking about peoples summer's, and getting a lot of looks at the fact that I've showed back up, and am not dead.

Yeah, apparently there was also a rumor that I had died.

Funny right? I wonder where that one came from. Such a crazy and totally out of the blue thing for someone to come up with.

"Saige Lexington? Look who's finally showed back up!" The annoying high pitched voice squeals, causing me to know who it is without looking up.

"Kaitlynn Teager? Look who's still bitchy as you were four years ago!" I mock, using the same stupid high pitched voice she is.

Ash stifles a laugh from behind me, enjoying our little rivalry.

Kaitlynn Teager, certified bitch. Captain of the cheer team, and after every boy at the school. Including Dalton.

She rolls her eyes as she gives me a once over, snorting at whatever she sees. "You lost a lot of weight," she observes, "what's your secret? Starve yourself?" She laughs, the two girls she must've recruited to her 'clique' behind her joining in.

That one was a fucking punch in the gut. The breath seems like it's knocked out of me, and I just look at her for a second. Does she know? Who told her?

I debate just answering yes, and letting her realize what she just said, along with the truth.

But Emi jumps at her before I get the chance, a string of curse words flying from her mouth, and Ash and Cas leap forward to hold her back.

"Keep your fucking mouth shut bitch! You have no space to talk with the amount of guys you sleep around with." She screams as the boys begin to drag her down the hallway, causing people to glance our way.

Yeah, safe to say Emi would've beat her ass if nobody held her back.

A soft hand finds it's way on my shoulder, steering me away from Kaitlynn. "Hey don't listen to that bitch. You look great Saige." Lilah smiles, always knowing how to stop me from falling. Her mom is a therapist, which explains a lot about her and how she's always able to deal with these situations so well.

I can still hear Emi cursing her out, followed by a teacher yelling. She didn't make it a whole period without detention, good to know nothings changed.

Somehow we make it to first period without any more issues, which just happens to be biology. 

Neither of the girls are in it, but Dalton and Cas are both here. This'll provide some nice entertainment to start the morning.

"Good morning class, and welcome to your last year of highschool," Mr. Johnson begins to drone on, and I zone out almost immediately.

I read the posters plastered around the classroom, and basically anything I can focus on to take the boredom away from Mr. Johnson's speech.

Until he finally catches my interest again, "Time to assign your partners for the year."

Assign. Not choose.

Meaning I could be stuck with literally anyone in this class.

Even Kaitlynn fucking Teager. I might really kill myself if it plays out like that though.

Mr. Johnson begins reading off names, students standing up and going to the labs with their partners.

Until there's four of us left. Dalton, Cas, Kaitlynn and I. This is going to turn out great, or really, really bad.

"Cas and Dalton, and then you two girls will be partners." He announces, successfully shutting his planner and sauntering back to his desk.

I slowly look up, finding Kaitlynn staring straight back at me.

Welcome to fucking hell.

Word count: 1050

This is just a short filler chapter, but as I recently saw an author say- quality over quantity.

Of course this chapter isn't really quality either but forget it, I couldn't figure out how to move on.

Also, I didn't update for like two weeks, shocker! But I'm officially off school now, and in a good (Totally chaotic) routine with work.

No one's actually read this story yet, so it doesn't matter anyways. But self goals!

-Lexie Kimmons

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