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"INTRODUCING THE CENTRAL Tech Eagles!" The announcer booms over the loudspeakers, and the crowd cheers as the visiting team runs onto the field, breaking the banner we made them. My voice is already going hoarse from screaming as I chant, but a wide smile takes over my face.

I'm back.

The tight cheer uniform brings comfort, the giant bow in my teased hair and the heavy lipstick on my face too. The deafening roar of the crowd, and clash of football pads together, the whistle of refs and screams of coaches. Each sound brings me a little more at peace.

That's the best part, nothing else matters on the football field. Whatever's going on? It's gone until after the game. The only thing I have to worry about is the formation of my team and following through on the routine.

I turn around facing my team, "Ready girls? It's a go time!" I smile as they line into formation, the home team chant beginning as the crowd begins to buzz with excitement in the stands.

"And now! Your home team, the South Bay Gulls!" The stands erupt, and we begin out routine, my feet falling into the familiar dance, and the outside world begins to drift away.

I spot the guys, and all the tension between Cas and Daltons seems to be gone when they're on the field. The whole team works well together, working hard to win yet another state championship trophy this year.

I shake my pompoms as they run by, smiling as Dalton grins and winks at me on his pass. This, this is what I've looked forward to since I was in middle school. Captain of the cheer team, dating the captain of the football, everything going right. Little me would be so proud.

By halftime we're losing 7-21, and tensions are high as we try to come back.

The end of third quarter, and its 17-21, we're coming back. The crowd goes wild, and the all-too familiar rush of a comeback hits me, the chance to win after being low in a game. This town takes football seriously, and if we win? That means the party tomorrow won't just be a party, it'll be a victory celebration to kick the season off, and South Bay parties are like no other.

Lucas intercepts the ball, turning it towards our end zone as the crowd cheers him on, he makes a clean pass to Cas, who runs it closer to the end zone, getting us into fourth down. The crowd is almost silent as he throws a long pass to Dalton who's in the end zone, and then they erupt as he catches it, the buzzer going off at the same time. We won. 24-21.

We do our winning routine, basically just a bunch of jumps and screaming, as we're all excited as the team. Afterwards we run onto the field, and I search for Dalton. He's number 33, so he shouldn't be hard to spot.

Lilah rushes over to Lucas, jumping in his arms, and Emi jumps the fence to congratulate Ash.

I scan the field, trying to see through the buzz of players, girlfriends, and cheerleaders.

But the eyes I meet aren't Dalton's.

Cas's hazel eyes meet me from a few yards away, and for a second, I just stare, drawn in by whatever mythical power his eyes possess. I want to move, I want to walk away, go find Dalton, but my feet are glued in place. I can't look away from him for some reason.

And then he glances to the right of me, just the tiniest movement, but enough to break the spell. I turn that direction too, seeing what caught his attention.

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