"you can't set your own bones, Travis"

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"You're a fucking disgrace, Travis! I wish you weren't my son!" Kenneth Phelps yelled at his 17 year old son. Travis didn't know what he had done this time. He had just woken up, got ready, and went downstairs.

Travis inwardly sighed. It was too early for his "father's" shit. He honestly wished Kenneth wasn't his father, even if that meant fading out of existence.

"Well? Aren't you going to say something, brat?" Travis stayed quiet. What was he supposed to say to that?

'Sorry that you raised me to be a disappointment'?
'Sorry that you fucked my mom, which created me'?
'You're a shitty excuse for a dad, I wish you weren't my fucking father but here we are'?

He thought all of them, but didn't say anything as he was going to be beat anyway. Kenneth punched him, making his black eye worse, again. He hit him until he got bored. Travis was pretty sure that he heard a crack at some point, but he wasn't feeling much of anything.

"Get to school." Kenneth said. Travis obeyed, grabbing his bag and walking out the door. He hated school. He wasn't good in any subject. He had no friends, and he was a bully. But what else would he be? It's not like he had a good role model.

There were 2 upsides to school, though:
1. He was away from his father's torment for 8 hours.
2. Sal Fisher

Travis looked forward to seeing Sal everyday. On days he couldn't see him, he was significantly angrier. He wished he could talk to Sal like a normal human being, except he was anything but. He bullied Sal, and his friends. Relentlessly. Because he didn't know how to handle feelings that weren't anger. And he was hopelessly in love with Sal fucking Fisher.

Sal captured his attention the moment Sal stepped into class the first day he came here. Sal was strange, no denying that, but Travis admired the way he was so sure of himself and who he was.

Sal wore a mask, well, prosthetic. His face was fucked up but Travis had never seen it. He often wondered what happened, but knew it wasn't his place to ask. Sal had longish blue hair that was usually up in pigtails. It looked soft and Travis wished he could run his hands through it. Sal had blue eyes that kind of matched his hair. His left eye sparkled when he was happy. The right eye was bright but didn't have that same sparkle ans Travis wondered if maybe it was fake.

Sal was amazing and Travis wished he could tell him that. But he can't and it's his own fault.

Travis had been daydreaming about Sal until he came to the school building. It was still early so there weren't many people there. Travis rolled his eyes and walked inside through the hallways. He was glad that it was early because he had to go to the bathroom and clean himself up first.

Just his luck though, Sal and his friends had came to school early and were hanging by Sal's locker. Travis saw them but pretended not to. Well, until he heard Sal's voice.

"Holy shit, Travis!" He said. Travis turned to look at the shorter boy, and tried not to blush.

"What do you want, faggot?" Travis growled. He always felt bad saying that. After all, he was gay, and he didn't even know all of their sexualities. Except Todd. Todd was hella gay. Travis was jealous of the way he walked around holding his boyfriend's hand, as if the world could touch them.

"Your face! What happened?!" Sal exclaimed.  His friends stayed quiet but were shocked at the level of damage on the church boy.

"What do you care? You've never fucking cared before. Don't fucking start now." Travis said.

"Don't give me that. You look horrible!" Sal said, watching the blond closely.

"Wow, thanks. Really inflating my ego there, Sallyface." Travis said, sarcastically. Sal ignored it, instead coming closer to inspect Travis' face. He reached out, surprised when the blond flinched, putting his arms up to shield himself. Travis quickly put them down. "Get the heck away from me, fag! I'm fucking fine! I'm sure whatever you've got under there us worse." Sal ignored the taunt.

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