Till Death Do Us Part. (KINTORU X YUMA)

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"Do you believe in a life greater than what we live?"

How abrupt the question was. The two women had been sitting in the room across from each other, with silent stitched lips. That is, until Yuma was the first to break it. Kintoru gave Yuma a long look, with unreadable emotions on her face.

She ponders for a moment longer, retracing every letter of Rebirth's statement. "You are implying we possess a life at all," Control finally replies, her eyes narrowing in curiosity. "What is it that brought this question into your mind?"

"Has time passed so far that it has shattered your memories? I am Rebirth. I am born to live again and again. If anyone remains closest to all that breathes, it is me."

"You are closest to humans."

The two immediately go silent, with changing expressions. Yuma gives a smile with unknowing intentions, while Sama's red lips curl upwards. Yuma had always been an interesting beast from the four, in Kintoru's eyes.

"You are not fond of them," Rebirth states bluntly. "You exist to control them. To rule them. When they turn the corner to meet their ends, you greet them instead. Death itself fears you. You are more than death."

Sama listens silently, doing her best to not allow Rebirth's words to touch upon her ego. Yet she couldn't deny a strange flattery brushing against her the further the woman spoke.

"Am I to assume, then, that you are more than life? That the concept of life fears you?"

"Life adores me."

Shock grabbed at Kintoru's face, completely caught off guard with Yuma's response. Yuma found entertainment in Sama's astonishment, and she continued.

"I am more than life in the sense that I am a god to it. The living take comfort in the concept of rebirth. They cry for second chances, they yearn for resurrection, they desire new opportunities better than the last. Rebirth is again. And the living always wish to try again." She pauses for a moment, lifting a finger over her lips as if to hush a voice that wasn't there."I am closest to humans, but not emotionally. I simply understand them best. Their deepest wishes and desires are open to me. I have been witness to every human emotion there is. I have seen happiness, sadness, selfishness, bitterness—"

"Rage, jealousy," Control cuts in. Yuma nods in response while setting her hand down. "You understand humans, but I may know them more. The pages of desires remain open to me as well, and it is those wants and needs that lead them into the fate of puppetry."

Rebirth laughs. "Tell me, then, Kintoru. Do you grasp the concept of love?"

"Is it not the living's greatest weakness?"

"It bears two faces in one. It is weak, yet possesses strength. Sometimes, love is all a living being has left. And somehow, that is all it needs to breathe."

"How foolish." Sama says, shaking her head. The sourness of Sama's words stained the inside of Yuma's mouth. She traces the textures of her umbrella's handle while entering her deep thoughts.

She recalls opening her eyes for the first time, stepping onto the ground and brushing her hair away from her eyes. Yuma already knew what she was, and understood her purpose. She met eyes with every other beast, sensing a bond already forming within the group. And from them all, Yuma noticed it immediately. Kintoru was perfect. Her white, soft skin with black scars carved over her eyes, her red lips familiar with smiles, her long black hair that hugged her face- Sama had noticed Yuma's staring, and shielded her face under her large, black hat.

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