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A/n: Some communication mistakes were made in this one guys🥶🥶🥶 Logan's kind of an air head

For KittyKatLoves_ Thanks for requesting!!

Virgil grumbled at Logan, turning away from him with an annoyed sigh. Usually, Logan would tolerate the behavior, as they were boyfriends and could work things out like adults. However, Virgil was in little space at the moment. Which meant that he didn't really understand, as he had the mindset of a small child.

If Virgil hadn't been in little space, there wouldn't even be a problem. Virgil was just extra sensitive because he hadn't had a nap that day, and was being cranky towards his caregiver.

"Virgil" Logan said firmly, still trying to be gentle, but with the 'i'm about to loose my shit if you don't stop' undertone.

Virgil just grunted and scooted further away, "Shut up!" He exclaimed, flipping Logan off.

Logan was fuming at this point, but took calming breaths. They had been at this for twenty minutes, and Virgil had been sitting there passively aggressively chugging his juice box and ignoring him.

"Virgil I am going to count to three, and if you don't start listening there will be consequences."

Virgil mocked him, "mimimi, there will be consequences.." he mumbled.

"I will choose to pretend I didn't hear"

Virgil rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Two..." Logan said warningly, his voice turning darker.

"Three" Logan said after a while of Virgil not responding.

"Okay, that's it. Virgil, come here. We are going to take a nap. You have been far too—"

"NO!" Virgil screamed, shoving Logan away, "I NO WANT NAP! No!" He cried.

"Virgil!" Logan yelled, this close to losing his cool, "sit down now!" He barked, causing Virgil to sit back down, completely still.

Logan sighed, his anger very evident as he stood up and simply walked outside without a word. Before he closed the door he growled, "stay put."

And Virgil did. He sat his bum down and didn't move for a few seconds, allowing himself to process what had just happened. Fear and anxiety began to seep into his chest as he realized what had happened. His daddy had left him.

His chin wobbled as tears filled his eyes. He quickly brought his sippy cup up to his lips to chug his juice so that he wouldn't cry, but it was of no use because as soon as he finished his juice and saw that his daddy still wasn't back, he bursted into tears.

His daddy had left him.

Would he come back? Probably not..he had been a very bad daddy probably didn't love him anymore, probably didn't want to be his caregiver anymore. He should have been nicer, he should have listened.

And Virgil, well, he didn't know how to cope with all of those big feelings, and just began to wail in fear. He was absolutely heartbroken. He was sure that he'd never felt this way before.

He got up from where he sat to pace around the room—sure, he knew his daddy said to not move or get up, but if he was abandoning him anyways then who cares?

He came face to face with a small potted plant and did the only sensible thing he could think of—he grabbed it and smashed it on the ground. He probably could have found a better way of coping than breaking everything at eye level, but he was really upset, and Remus did it all the time!

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