Chapter 23

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"Are you still in pain?"

"No."  Rebecca tilted her head and had an inkling of a feeling that she would irritate Madam Pomfrey.  "Well, not a lot."

"None at all would be preferable."  Madam Pomfrey sighed.  "What about your headaches?  Anything to report?"  Rebecca shook her head.  Miraculously, after the resting draught had let her rest uninterrupted, she really only felt a lagging tiredness.  "I take it you have heard the pestering whispers, then?  Do you feel like you can manage it?"

Rebecca took a moment to think, which Madam Pomfrey appreciated.  It showed that the girl was doing just that--thinking.  The schools within the castle were growing impatient, eager to get on to the end-of-tournament feast and the beginning of summer holidays.  "I don't think lying in bed anymore is going to help anything.  I'm good to go, if you think so too."

Across the Hospital Wing, since privacy had been called for during Madam Pomfrey's checking, Arthur took a moment to speak to Fred.  "I wanted to tell you-"

"I know it was shameful."  Fred said quickly, looking to the ground.  "I know I was.  I-I don't know what it is, dad.  When I think about losing her, I just lose it and I don't-"

"Clearly, son."  Arthur chuckled and grew serious as Fred did not join his laughter.  Wrapping his arms around Fred tightly, Arthur laid his head onto of his son's.  "It's love, Fred.  That's what happens when you love someone and their hurt or in danger."  Arthur cleared his throat.  "What I wanted to tell you before you interrupted was that...that I'm proud of you."

Fred looked up at his dad and furrowed his brow, confused.  "Really?"

"Really."  Arthur sighed.  "I've said it before, I'll say it again: Weasley's feel deeply.  It's in our nature, especially when our hearts are brought into question."


"As we sit in this hall today, our celebration is plagued with solemnity and grave circumstance."  Dumbledore's voice echoed out into the Great Hall as every ear was turned with the utmost of attention.  Whispers followed Harry, Rebecca, and Cedric.  Whispers and stares.  Fred had yet to leave Rebecca's side for longer than it took her to change, and he held her hand tighter as Dumbledore continued on.  "Three days ago, during the final event, two of our champions were taken from our grounds--tricked by Lord Voldemort and his accomplices."

The older students gasped.  They were old enough to have been told about the horror and darkness of Voldemort's previous regime, and the younger students looked around fearfully as the mood of the room plummeted.  Eyes around Harry and Cedric grew wary, accusatory.

"The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this."  Dumbledore shook his head softly.  "But to not do so would be an insult to you all, an insult to your intelligence and your ability to cope with frightening news."

Harry looked to his side as a hand crept into his, Hermione the culprit.  She managed a smile for him, trying to remind him that he wasn't as alone as he was making himself feel.  He returned a grimace, but kept his hand in hers.  

"The unthinkable was managed yesterday," Dumbledore raised his arm and gestured to Harry and Cedric in turn.  "Two of our champions witnessed the return of Lord Voldemort and are still with us today.  This fair fortune will not last."  Dumbledore raised his voice and his tone, changing his pace.  "But, as we sit in this room from different lands, speaking different tongues, our hearts beat as one.  In light of these recent events, the friendships forged this year will be more important than ever."

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