Time passed and I never felt the same again, I was lost in melancholy and fear. I lost my sense in alcohol and cigarettes to relax and I even had the great idea of avoiding leaving my house, so that people would not see my bad decisions that I made in my life,
paso el tiempo y no volvi a sentirme igual, estaba perdido en la melancolia y el miedo. perdi mi sentido en el alcohol y en los cigarros para relajarme e incluso tuve la gran idea de evitar salir de mi casa, para que la gente no viera mis malas decisiones que tome en mi vida
my mother called me every day and I rarely answered her, I felt tired of the insomnia caused weeks ago, which is why I began to hallucinate even without being drunk. I rushed to get help but it didn't count because I couldn't sleep I just told different stories to each doctor.
mi madre me llamaba todos los dias y pocas veces le contestaba, me sentia cansado del insomnio causado hace semanas, por lo cual empece a alucinar incluso sin estar borracho. me apresure a buscar ayuda pero no contaba porque no podia dormir simplemente contaba diferentes historias a cada medico.
I got tired, I was determined to decipher what my sister was hiding. I went back to the place I went before, with a new camera. I was prepared first of all, but this time I didn't just take photos and videos, but carefully took a syringe with that strange substance that my sister had already mentioned before.
me canse, estaba decidido a desifrar lo que mi hermana ocultaba. volvi al lugar que fui antes, con una camara nueva. estaba preparado ante todo, pero esta vez nk solo tome fotos y videos, si no que cuidaosamente tome una jeringuilla con esa sustancia rara que mi hermana ya habia mencionado antes.
I wanted to leave but I saw something that made me freeze again. Apparently they were not drug dealers, but apparently it was a strange laboratory because why would they need so much acid and gas?
quise irme pero vi algo que me volvio a dejar helado. por lo visto no se trataban de traficantes de drogas, si no que por lo visto era un laboratorio extraño pues para que nesesitarian tanto acido y gas ?.
I heard agonizing screams and I was scared, they were screams but they didn't say a word, I ran out with the syringe and my things and I left that place quickly. I hid my mother's syringe and my family didn't know what was inside, but they knew it could be illegal or even toxic.
escuche gritos agonizantes y me espante, eran gritos pero no decian una palabra, sali corriendo con la jeringuilla y mis cosas y me fui de ese lugar rapidamente. escondi la jeringuilla de mi madre y mi familia no sabia que era lo de adentro, pero sabia que podia ser ilegal o incluso toxico.
I did not want to alarm a friend who was a medical student "dennis", because he did not take things in a good way when it came to drugs, I had no choice and decided to make an appointment with him but they told me that he was not there and that he would return in 1 month or 2 because he went on vacation to Nicaragua.
no quise alarmar a un amigo que era estudiante de medicina "dennis", pues no se tomaba las cosas de buena manera cuando de drogas se trataba, no tenia opcion y decidi hacer una cita con el pero me dijeron que no estaba y que regresaria en 1 mes o 2 porque se fue de vacaciones a nicaragua.
While that was happening, I was left alone with my dark thoughts thinking about all the bad things that had happened to me this time, my mother called me as usual and discovered my additions and began to yell at me loudly that I was an idiot, bad son and bad brother.
mientras eso pasaba yo solo me quede solo con mis pensamientos oscuros pensando en todo lo malo que me ah pasado este tiempo, mi madre me llamo de costumbre y descubrio mis adiciones y empezo a gritarme fuertemente que era un imbecil mal hijo y mal hermano.
I hung up after four minutes of insulting myself, and my thoughts got worse, I just thought that everything around me was against me and that everything could make me look bad and in a bad situation. I only thought about how to solve my fears when I had to solve others.
me colgo a lo cuatro minutos de insultarme, y mis pensamientos empeoraron, solo pensaba que todo a mi alrededor se ponia en mi contra y que todo me podria mala cara y mala situación. yo solo pensaba en cómo solucionar mis miedos cuando tenia que resolver otros.
I wanted to cry, but it made me very sleepy and finally I felt what I hadn't felt for a long time, I went to bed quickly and finally I could dream. It was a beautiful dream full of tall trees and birds singing, but there was something I didn't realize, there was a very familiar voice asking for help, shouting my name without stopping.
queria llorar, pero me dio mucho sueño y finalmente senti lo que hace mucho no sentia, me acoste rapido y finalmente pude soñar. era un sueño hermoso lleno de arboles altos y pajaron cantando, pero habia algo que no me daba cuenta, habia una voz muy familiar pidiendo ayuda, gritando mi nombre sin parar.
then that beautiful dream turned into a dark place full of eyes and a voice calling me loudly and non-stop, I was too scared. When I woke up there was a sheet of paper on top of me with a symbol that I had seen before, it was a red eye, it looked like blood, I didn't remember where I saw it but I already knew that symbol from somewhere.
luego ese bello sueño se combirtio a un lugar oscuro lleno de ojos y una voz llamandome fuertemente y sin parar, me asuste demasiado. al despertar encima de mi estaba una hoja de papel con un simbolo que ya habia visto antes, era un ojo rojo parecia sangre, no recordaba donde lo vi pero ese simbolo ya lo conocia de algun sitio.
Experimento final [final experiment]
Mystery / Thrillerthe blame for the findings that did not concern the world was destroyed. la culpa por los hallazgos que no incumbian el mundo se destrozo