chapter 2

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A loud roar jolts Toni up she comes face to face with Steve and the hulk very lost and confused she says the one thing that comes to mind

"What the fuck!" Steve let's out a happy sigh and sits down

"We won" Toni scrunches her brows what is happening?

Steve helps her up but she flinches away making him look at her confused she just shakes her head looking around this is new York? Not only that this is new York right after she fell from the worm hole What the hell, maybe she's in a coma? She decides to keep quite for now as they walk to stark tower where Loki currently is, she's not said a word as she keeps her distance from everyone walking at very back of the group they all send her worrying looks but she just smiles tightly

"Tones you good?" She looks up to see the face of Clint she's come to see him as a brother when they met in 2010 after the whole thor and Loki destroying a town issue

"I'm good" she says before looking down again Clint looks at his little sister figure in worry she's never been this quite what the hell happened when she went into that wormhole?They enter Toni's penthouse and surround Loki only Toni notices something and lowers her repulsor and narrows her eyes tilting her head to side Loki looks at her and smirks

"If it's all the same to you I'll have that drink now" Toni's lip quirks as she steps forward and leans down in front of the god making everyone look at her confused

"Interesting" she mutters before shrugging and standing up and walking to her bar where she grabs a bottle of whiskey and hands it to the god she raises her brow at him when he looks lost"Hey point break what color are your brother's eyes?" She questions as she turn to face the tall blonde

"Green it's where he gets his color scheme from" this makes Toni smile and nod as she walks to a laptop and pulls up a video and playing it for the team She paused as it zooms in in Loki's face when he tried to use the scepter in her

"There we go blue eyes not green" she points out making everyone look between the screen and the god who looks like a little puppy that someone actually noticed

"Brother? Who?" Thor asks his voice breaking how did he not notice his own brother was controlled Toni grabs Clint's hand in comfort without anyone seeing it he smiles and squeezes it

"First of all I am not your brother secondly his name is Thanos he saved me when I feel from the Bifrost bridge I didn't know what he was doing till it was to late" Loki admits sheepishly Toni rolls her eyes for the god of mischief he gets tricked alot

"You will always be my brother Loki but this it proves your innocent father will see reason" Loki looks hopeful at the news while they have their moment Toni slips out of the room and enters her lab she takes a deep breath and Taps her reactor a nasty habit she picked up over the years she takes deep breaths

"I'm ok right? I'm in a very realistic coma and I will wake up this will have all been my imagination" she leans on the floor head in her hands as she struggles for breath

"ma'am you appear to be having a panic attack shall i alert Mr. Barton?" Toni chokes on air upon hearing the familiar voice of Jarvis"Jarvis?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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