forty-eight: kidnapping jeffrey

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solar clarke's pov:

On my way to Nathan's, I kept tapping the wheel and biting my inner cheek. I blasted Led Zeppelin, but instead of calming my nerves it probably only caused damage to my hearing. 

I had met Nathan's parents, but this time it was different. I knew they were nice civilized people, nothing to be afraid of. Still, then I was just a friend, now I was dating their son.

I wanted to make a good impression, but it wasn't the only reason I was feeling like I could jump out of my skin. I was terrified for Nathan, hoping more than anything his parents would be supportive about us being together. 

When I switched off the radio, my ears were indeed ringing, but I didn't give myself too much time to worry about it. I got up from my car, locked the doors and made my way to the front door. Before I could press the doorbell, Nathan pushed the door open and shut it behind him, leaving us both outside.

"I'm dying here." He huffed between gritted teeth. His face was bleak, his chest heaving and his hands shaking, so I didn't have a hard time believing his words. "Can you tell me again that this isn't a horrible mistake?"

"It's not." I pulled him into a tight embrace, drawing soothing circles on his back with my fingertips. "And if it is, we can let Nicholas take the blame and feed him to the lions."

"Please don't do that, I pretty much prefer my boyfriend in one piece." A deep voice noted behind my back, startling both Nathan and me. The guy had a friendly smile, jet black hair and dark eyes, but those were the only similarities I could find with him and his brother. He offered his hand. "I'm Anshil."

"Y-you're the guy from C&B's." Nathan breathed as I shook Anshil's hand. When Anshil tried to shake his hand, he mumbled: "Shaking hands isn't really my thing.. Dead fish and all that."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Anshil chuckled and pulled Nathan into a hug instead. "But it's nice to officially meet you."

"Are you just going to stand there all day?" Nicholas peeked out from the door shink. He was grinning, but as soon as his gaze landed on Anshil, the grin softened to a smile. It wasn't a look I was used to seeing on him.

"Okay, let's do this." Anshil agreed and greeted Nicholas by wrapping an arm around his shoulders and guiding him in.

A while later, when Jonathan, Anshil and Nathan sat on the living room floor, playing with Blueberry, Nicholas and I sat on the sofa looking at them. It seemed like Anshil was already part of the group, bonding over their love of cats. Nicholas and I were trying to do the same by talking about baseball, but so far the conversation wasn't flowing. 

In the kitchen the unsuspecting Jeffrey and Camille were almost done with the dinner preparations and my mouth was watering by the aromas coming from there. If I had been too nervous to eat earlier, by then I was too hungry to not feel like eating.

"Dinner is ready." Camille's soft spoken voice welcomed us to join them in the kitchen. I could hear Jeffrey's joking voice saying to her: "No thanks to you."

I took a seat next to Nathan and held his hand under the table. At first everyone busied themselves by scooping pasta and salad on their plates, but soon a light conversation filled the kitchen. The food was yet again so delicious that just the sight of it made my mouth water, stealing my focus from the conversation.

"Sooo, who would like to tell why we're having this dinner?" Camille arched an eyebrow, narrowing her eyes when she leaned closer on her seat.

"I'd like to know that too. Don't get me wrong, I love having a full table." Jeffrey agreed. "But this is sus, or whatever that word was you kids use these days. Is someone dropping out of school? None of you is pregnant, right?" Then he pointed at Nicholas with his fork. "You're not getting a new car." And then turning to look at Nathan: "The only reason you don't have a car is that you didn't save money for it, we have talked about this."

"Um, it's not that.." Nathan shook his head and slowly set down his fork. "We.. I-I wanted to tell you that I'm dating Solar."

The room grew silent.

"And I'm going out with Anshil." Nicholas joined in the same breath.

It was dead silent by then.

"What?" Jeffrey asked eventually, puzzled like he couldn't tell if they were pulling a prank on him or being serious. 

"Nathan is going out with Clarke and I'm going out with Anshil." Nicholas repeated. He seemed calm, but he was gripping his fork so tight his knuckles turned white.

It was silent for another second or two.

"So, does anyone like girls in this family?" Camille huffed.

"Well, actually.. I-I, um.. I don't really pay attention to genders that much. I-I'm pan or, uh.." Nathan's cheeks were burning and he shook his head again. "Nevermind."

That only seemed to confuse Jeffrey and Camille more, but to their credit their expressions were open and I could tell they were doing their best to understand what was going on in their sons' lives.

"I'm going to marry Rosie when I'm old." Jonathan broke the silence. A wide grin spread on his face, like he had just told them his greatest victory, and a nervous laughter escaped from Nathan's lips.

"I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you, I swear. It's just.. this is so absurd." Nathan tried to stay serious, but cracked up completely when Jonathan started giggling. Nicholas joined the laughter. 

"You boys are impossible." Camille shook her head.. and started laughing. Soon everyone, including me, were either cracking up and holding our stomachs or chuckling in a should-I-laugh-or-not way.

"Okay." Jeffrey smiled, having to wipe his eyes dry once the laughter died down. "If you're sure about this and it makes you happy, you have my blessing."

"Really?" Nicholas' eyes lit up with hope and relief. Next to me Nathan let out a breath he had been holding, and somehow Anshil and I were just staring at each other. 

Could it really be that easy?

"Don't sound so surprised." Jeffrey scolded Nicholas. "In my opinion, if you can't accept your child being gay, you shouldn't have children at all."

He stood up and hugged both Nathan and Nicholas. I could feel my eyes burning when I looked at them. My dad was great, but I was planning on kidnapping Jeffrey to have a father like him.

"Thanks — dad." Nathan smiled, blinking his eyes to keep them dry.


I have a random language fact for you: here in Finland you can say either "pestä hampaat" (wash one's teeth) or "harjata hampaat" (brush one's teeth), which basically mean the same thing. But apparently saying wash one's teeth in English sounds weird, I'll try to remember that in the future. :D

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