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Darkness, there's was only darkness until a monitor was turned on and only static remained for a brief moment leaving a radio static sound until it became half functional.

*Ssssssss* come on, work...! *Ssssss* Fucking..." as the monitor half shown a mobian wolf injured and exhausted, bleeding from the head to his mouth while the alarms were going of in the background. "There you are. Gotcha." He said while relieved "Aegis 7 colony security log, local day 925. This is Sergeant Abraham Neumann, Planetside Security office... *Ssssss*, we are fucked."  While the monitor was glitching and trying to stay on, Neumann look behind him to see if anything was coming his way.

"If you're Planetside, you're already good as dead. Just radio up and order this place nuked." He looks back to the monitor with a scared but serious face while it was still glitching and the audio fumbling. "I'm serious. You're going to die down here. The least you can do is save the rest of mobianity and humanity from the same fate. Nuke it!"

As he said that the audio echoed and the screen went black.

End of prologue

DEAD SPACE: Colony Fall (A Sonic Boom/Dead Space Based FaFiction)Where stories live. Discover now