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3rd p.o.v

"Katie was my assistant for five years. She was devoted to her job, but that devotion got Katie killed. As you know, everyone stressed right now. You can't sleep, you have bad dreams when you do. Katie saved my life if she hadn't called P-SEC, I'd be lying in the morgue right now. I'd gladly make that exchange. And I-" before Tom could continue his speech he suddenly heard Katie's echoing voice. "I know you would, Tom" and in front of him was Katie's ghost and he looked surprised to see her but also couldn't believe it as well.

"Katie?" "But there are more important things you have to do, Tom. You've got to stop them..." ", this isn't real..." Tom looked away from the crowd while rubbing his face to get rid of the vision of Katie, one of the med team came to him to make sure he was ok."Tom! Are you alright?" he considered it was best to take Tom away and he took over for a few seconds, "sorry folks, Tom not feeling too good. Thanks for coming." And with that everyone departed and went to do there things in union square or somewhere else of the matter. "Oh, christ...She's gone..." Tom said not believing what he had seen.


Cortez suddenly woke up by the sound of banging on her door, when she went there and opened her door she looked down to see Neumann there looking up at her. "Bram? Oh, shit. What time is it?" "9:50. Shift started 80 minutes ago." While Cortez left her door open for Neumann she went to sit down while rubbing her head. "Third day in a row, Vera. I can't keep covering like this. I mean, we're all exhausted right now," "I can't sleep, Bram. The doc gave some pills, but they don't always work." Neumann, concerned for Cortez made him think of the other miners that responded the same thing when looking all crazy.

"Uh, you realize you sound like every other miner we've arrested this past week." "I know, dammit!" Cortez admitted to it but didn't mean to snap at him so suddenly and looked away from him. "You hallucinating, too? Getting visions of your precious marker?"

Cortez having enough of Neumann escorted him out of the door. "All right, that's enough. Get out!" "Vera, come on. We've got a shift to work." As Neumann was at the door entrance he tried to convince her to go to her shift but it didn't work."So go work it." As Cortez pressed a button on her panel and the door closed leaving Neumann to go to his shift alone.


Hanford was sitting at his desk while talking to Deacon Abbott through his screen discussing about a situation he's upset about. "This is outrageous! That sight is of major archeological importance!" "It's a sacred object, not some rock to be mined. A marker! You know what that means!" Deacon Abbott said through the screen on the other side of the colony, while he was trying to tell him to not remove the marker from it's spot but Hanford ignored his demand.

"That's still to be determined. By the proper authorities, not some transport engineer. Touch that artifact again, and you'll be on a shuttle back to earth before you can say "Altman be praised"." But Abbott, outraged by his words couldn't believe he won't oblige to his demand to leave the marker alone."I don't believe this. You're devout! You of all people shouldn't try to stop us practicing our faith!" Hanford thinking this is getting ridiculous now decided to finish his conversation with Abbott with a warning.

"You blustering idiot, I'm not telling you to stop believing! I'm telling you to stay away from that marker! Good-bye Abbott." And with that he turned his comms off and was about to do more work but his assistant, a mobian rabbit named Alice called through him from his desk speaker telling him that Dr. Sciarello is here to see him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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