Twenty Five

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The day had gone pretty smooth, with the exception of Stephanie who wasn't happy to be playing secretary for her. The woman didn't exchange any words with Ellie apart from the required ones. She had put up a team of two lawyers and one paralegal, then left Ellie to her own devices.

Ellie had made an appointment at the district attorney's office and was scheduled for a meeting the next day. Her team had been pretty confident they'd find the evidence they needed to plead their case. With all that sorted, she finally checked her phone that had buzzed a total of six times since she'd been working.

There was a missed call from Holland and a corresponding text asking to meet for lunch and catch up. The rest three texts were from Parker who had sent an SOS with fire alarm emojis. The last was from ten minutes ago and had a lot of exclamation marks. She grabbed her purse and ran out of her office, shutting the door loudly behind her. She made it to Parker's door in record time and opened the door to see Parker working at his desk.

"What happened?" She wheezed, placing her hands on her knees and bending, trying to catch her breath. Parker beamed at her, pushing away from his chair.

"First day on the job and you're already ignoring me. I missed you."

"Wait. You sent me three SOS texts with the fire alarm and exclamation marks because you missed me?" She stared at him, her face flushed from the physical activity.

"Well, I also wanted to have lunch with you. What's the problem?"

"Problem?" Ellie laughed, walking towards him. "You made me run in five inch heels and in a lace bra because you missed me! I had to hold on to my boobs as I ran." She threw her hands up.

Parker's eyes locked on said boobs and he licked his lip. "What I would have given for that visual," he drawled.

"Parker! Fire alarms are for help me, I'm about to die. Help I'm being kidnapped or Help I need a getaway driver, not because you missed me. You could have come see me like a normal person."

Parker laughed, pulling her to him and placing a kiss on her down turned lips. "Where's the fun in that?"

"One day, you'll use the fire alarm when you actually need it and I'll ignore you!"

"Pizza will be here in a few minutes. Why don't we sit and eat, then you can tell me all about how much I annoy you. Does that sound okay?"

"I'm only staying because it's pizza and I've burned way too much calories today. I need the carbs."

"That's my girl," he smiled pulling her down to the couch in the corner of his large office.


"What's your ideal type, Parker?" Ellie asked, sipping on her energy drink.

Parker finished chewing the bite of pizza in his mouth before he answered. "Type of what?"

"Woman. I know we've probably talked about this before but I can't really remember."

"You're my ideal type of woman," he said, taking a bite of his food.

Ellie blushed and was glad that the man was turned away from her and he couldn't see her embarrassingly heated cheeks.

"So you're saying any woman who looks like me is your ideal type? Which makes Stephanie your ideal type. She's a little taller than me, but everything else is almost the same. She wears her hair just like me, we have similar taste in fashion and our coloring is the same. I think her lipstick shade today is identical to one of my favorites too..."

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