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Each day, we get a chance to write our life on a new page. Leave no regrets.....

The first things Ellie noticed when she woke up was the sun aiming at her face and her head that was pounding incessantly. She let out a pained groan as she took a few seconds to acclimate to the light. The room smelt like coffee and cologne and it felt different. The position of the bed felt wrong and her bed had never been this soft and fluffy.

Her head flew off the pillows as her eyes fluttered open. She looked around, trying to figure out where she was. The sun had never streamed into her eyes before not even when she had left the blinds open. She wondered if someone had changed the position of her bed, or worse if this wasn't her bed and belonged to a stranger.

Her gaze landed on a picture of her and her best friend Parker, then she groaned, immediately finding her bearing. Parker would definitely give her hell for getting drunk in the middle of work week, but it was better than the embarrassment of waking up in a stranger's bed, with little or no memory of how she got there. And she had been well on her way to a drunken one night stand when Parker found her.

She remembered a little bit of the night before. Chugging shots of tequila alone at the bar. Then dancing on a table, before being led to the center of the stage, where she proceeded to grind into every male crotch available. It was while on one of said crotches that Parker had cut in.

"Christ! It's too early to be thinking about crotches," she groaned.

She kicked off the blanket and wasn't surprised she was dressed in another one of Parker's shirt and her panties. She looked around for her purse and cell phone, then sighed when she couldn't find it.

Her breath reeked of alcohol, so she proceeded to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Coffee could wait, she didn't want to kill Parker with her morning, alcohol-infused breath. God knew he had helped her a lot. She used the toilet after brushing, flushed, then washed her face.

Her head was still pounding, but she felt a little better now that she was a little bit clean. Her stomach ached and she felt like she would throw up at any wrong movements.

Ellie slowly walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where a shirtless Parker was making breakfast, and was answering a call at the same time. "Way to multi-task, asshole. I'm a few seconds away from curling into a ball and rocking," she muttered to herself.

Parker frowned at her as he muttered something on the phone, waited a seconds and then ended the call. He lifted her up, and placed her on the counter, not minding she was dressed only in his T-shirt. She winced as her stomach tightened at being lifted up. She relaxed only when he had set her up carefully on the counter. Parker would never drop her. She didn't know why she worried. There was a mug of steaming coffee beside her and she inhaled the smell.

"You have a hell of a lot explaining to do, Eleanor Parks," he scolded. Parker turned back to the stove where he was making breakfast.

Ellie reached for the coffee waiting beside her and sipped. It burned a little, but it felt too good. With the first hit of caffeine, the memories came rushing in. Throwing up on Parker's shoes, passing out, and then waking up in the middle of the night to the heavy hardness cradled by her ass. She had pushed into him, and Parker had groaned, rocking into her a little. She remembered him telling her to go back to sleep, and then she eventually did, but not without noticing that Parker didn't lose the erection.

She blushed so hard, and was grateful that Parker was currently focusing on the eggs in his fry pan. The thoughts and feeling of Parker's dick beside her ass promptly chased the embarrassing memory of puking on his shoes.

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