03. AkkTheo: 5 Things Theo didn't know about Akk

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AkkTheo; Enchanté.

"Here it goes. Here is your future husband, Akk! Please wait for my sign and then you both can go inside, ok?", Im said looking very professional and competent as she led the grooms to stand together close to the door. Dressed in a gorgeous light pink suit, she looked like a veteran wedding planner with many years of practice, Nong Egg tagged along her dressing a cute lilac dress and clapping her hands excitedly for finally seeing her favorite man in the world marrying to her brother.

And what Akk was doing while all this was happening? He was staring at Theo. Not only looking at him with fondly eyes, he was straight up staring at the man in front of him like he was seeing an angel that had fallen right from the sky just to stand in front of him.

"Akk, are you okay?", Theo whispered, his tone covered with concern, brow furrowed.

The thing is: Akk was okay, he was feeling way much more than okay. He felt like his heart was about to combust but his limbs felt as light as a feather like he could start floating around the venue they had rented for their big day. But all this joy he was feeling was so overwhelming he could barely breathe. 

Shame on him for criticising people for crying on their wedding day! When they were researching things to use on their own venue, Akk had commented with Theo that he could never understand people crying on the happiest day of their lives. Theo didn't say anything back then, but his cute pout showed Akk that he disagreed with him. To ease his mood, Akk pecked the cute lips and changed the topic. But now, seeing Theo dressed on the beautiful tuxedo he had chosen he could get the meaning behind the crying. And to outdo himself, he was also sobbing uncontrollably.

"You're the most gorgeous person I have ever met in this life!", he said between tears streaming down his face.

The confession made Theo blush and avert his eyes for a second. They had known each other for most part of their lives, dated for more than a year, were engaged for about 6 months and now it was their wedding day, but the way Akk said the endearing words made his heart flutter like it was his first time hearing it.

"What are you saying, love?", he whispered at the man that started to look like a mess in front of him. A beautiful mess.

Akk wiped his tears with his sleeves making Im shiver at the corner watching the scene and started to talk to Theo again. 

"Once I've told you that there were things about me that you didn't know, I want to tell you now. All of them!", he smiled brightly, to which Theo mirrored instinctively. 

Akk cupped Theo's chubby cheeks and repeated in a more composed tone. "The first one is that you're gorgeous. You're like a prince, a real one, not only the ones we used to draw as kids. You're kind, naive and so handsome, I can't believe I'm allowed to call you mine…", he tried to explain and even if to outsiders it didn't make any sense, for them it was enough. Theo knew all too well how much Akk struggled to build the kind of confidence needed to say something like this to him because Akk always thought little of himself. Knowing that Akk was starting to feel worthy to be by his side was the best compliment he could get, because he knew they were a match made to happen. It made him feel blissful.

"Thank y–", Theo tried to say, but Akk pressed a light index finger on his lips, preventing him from saying anything.

"If I let you say anything now, I'm gonna start to cry again. Do you know why? Because I love the sound of your voice. I can't tell how many nights I spent listening to you while we chatted on the phone about the most silly things in the world instead of sleeping!", Akk said making Theo giggle low. On most days after those long talks they were feeling so tired at class that they spent most of it sleeping while the teachers were talking and it made them face a lot of troubles at school.

Akk stepped closer to Theo and rested his forehead on the other's sternum, like that was capable of making him regain some balance. It didn't work because once he did this, his nose was filled with Theo's essence.

"I love your smell – Oh my God, did you know that you smell like peaches… and roses… and you? I love your smell on my clothes, on our bed, all around me. I love being bathed on how you smell. It makes me feel like we're together even if we're apart.", he lifted his chin to face Theo that didn't resist to pull him closer into a warm hug.

"This is nice… I like to feel you around me too.", Akk said and Theo kissed his forehead. "When you left for France for the first time when we were little I stood behind my window's curtains watching your car disappear on the street. It made my heart ache like nothing else before, but it also taught me that I'll always wait for you…", Akk said and then paused, sighed heavily and completed "but please, don't ever let me live without you by my side again…". And the puppy eyes he gave Theo were full of so many promises and confessions waiting to be revealed that it made Theo shake a bit. He reached out for Akk's face and gently wiped the stubborn tears. 

"If you keep crying like this, I'm gonna start crying too, you know?", he said with a trembling voice, almost without breath.

This was enough to make Akk stop crying. He pulled out from Theo's hug, making the latter startled at the sudden action and started to harshly brush his sleeves against his cheeks making them red.

"Then I'll stop crying, my love. My Theo. Do you know the reason why?", Akk asked interlocking their fingers. Theo shook his head just a bit, his face the description of curiosity.

"I've made a promise to myself that I'll never make you unhappy. That I'll do my best to make you smile as much as possible not only today, but for the rest of our lives.", Akk smiled brightly and then it was Theo's turn to break down in tears. He threw himself on Akk, knowing the other would catch him and as he predicted, the strong arms were right there to embrace him. 

"I love you, I love you, I love you so much, Akk.", Theo repeated between whispers, not caring at all that they were gathering a crowd of worried friends and relatives around them.

"Hey, boys! I know you're happy and all, but we need to hurry and finish this first!", Im tried to coax them to get inside the tent where the guests and the minister were waiting for them.

"It's okay, Jae!", Akk replied to her without letting go of Theo. "We still have the rest of our lives!", he said half to ease his sister and half as a reassurance for Theo.

"Oh, we're gonna get a fine for the delay…", Egg complained.

"I know right!", Im whispered beside the little girl, but both were also sobbing after hearing the lovebirds exchanging sweet words. It was worthy to pay a little more to be able to witness real love like that.

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