01. NuerSyn: Better than medicine

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NuerSyn; Cutie Pie The Series.

Nuer entered the classroom that should be empty by that hour, but his group mates and him decided it would be the perfect place for them to gather and discuss the new project that should be sent to their Professor's email by the end of the week. It was Tuesday and they had absolutely nothing done because of some error in the maths.

The group was loud and chatty as usual, with one exception: Syn looked like his soul had left his body. He would look like a marble statue if not by the wrinkle between his eyebrows moving from time to time. It was rather strange for the man that was known for wearing a peaceful expression not mattered the occasion and that made Nuer instantly worried.

It shouldn't, tho.

Nuer was a transfer student and everyone had doubted his intentions because no one in their right minds would change majors when you're already that close to graduation. His family and especially Syn were included in that.

Even after the whole class and the members of the group had apparently accepted Nuer in, he still felt Syn lurking at him, making questions that frequently left him in a bad frame, unless he opened his heart and mind and told them the truth.

At certain point, those long glances and non-stop curiosity only made Nuer more into Syn. Syn looked like an angel - his monk manners helping on that - always so composed and calm, resilient, caring towards his friends, pretty lips that made him dream about touching them for weeks...

"Hey, Nuer, are you okay?", Ton snapped his fingers in front of him, trying to get his attention.

"I guess he might be feverish, look at his red cheeks!", it was Nuchy reaching out her hand to feel his temperature and check her suspicions.

"I'm okay!", Nuer averted from the girl's hand and checked to see if Syn had noticed that. Still no sign that he was there with them, though.

"Oh, thank God! I'm gonna freak out if we don't solve this problem in time! The professor will eat our liver!", Jab complained, eyes widening in horror as he pictured the scene.

Feeling he had suddenly become the topic of the group and with an idea roaming around his head, Nuer decided to distract his friends. "Hey, why don't we take a break? We should go and eat something! I'm sure after that things will become clearer!"

Four out of the five members of the group agreed on his proposition, nodding eagerly at the mention of food, but still, none of them moved an inch to go to the cafeteria.

"What are you waiting for?", Nuer asked confused.

"Ai, you sleepyhead! Don't you know the cafeteria closes in the afternoon? How are we gonna eat?", it was Ton who explained the problem.

"Oh... this is true.", Nuer hung his head low but took a quick glance at Syn's direction. Still no sign of life coming from him, he was starting to get really worried. "In that case, let's go to the restaurant across the street! My treat!", he offered just to be applauded by his friends. Food was a nice idea. Free food was canonicaly amazing!

"Let's go, let's' go!", the group started to grab their belongings and soon left the classroom.

Nuer giggled at himself for his wisdom. He wasn't there for too long, but it was easy to read those guys. And girl! He wished he could give himself a pat on his back, but now that he was alone with Syn, his mind quickly switched for the main reason for that whole act.

"Is everything okay with you?", he risked just to hear no answer.

Nuer then got up from his seat and walked to where Syn was two chairs ahead of him. He leaned close to the other's ear and whispered softly "Is there anything bothering you?".

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