Chapter twenty

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"But that was a probability,  you couldn't have possibly believed everything would go accordingly" Loki said with a stern tone "Your mere presence here changes most things" he added, a stoic look gracing his features

I reflected over his words, he had a point, but still, I couldn't stop the guilt and anxiety that was coursing through me and no words were going to change that

I hummed still in thought "When are you and Loki leaving?" my question directed to Thor

Thor exchanged a glance with Loki for less than a second then said "as soon as possible, probably tomorrow" Thor concluded

"Could I maybe um... go with you?" I asked no one in particular.

Loki narrowed his eyes as in trying to decipher my intentions "Why?" he asked, crossing his arms

"I want to see the extent.. of the damage the battle left, I don't know maybe, help the healers or -" someone interrupted my sentence. I slightly narrowed my eyes at him

"Thor already said the situation was under control, right Brother?" Loki said, in an attempt to change my mind. Thor nodded but added

"But if you wish to come and see for yourself, there's no problem Lady, I assure you the battle was quick and left few to none mortally wounded" Thor said, dismissing the glare his brother gave him.

"I don't think is wise" Loki mumbled, clearly not pleased with his brother's suggestion

I ignored his remark "Thank you" I said, sending Thor a grateful smile.

He returned the smile and then left and I did the same. Loki followed close behind me, after a couple of minutes I stop walking and sigh "Do you need something?" I asked, with a slight sneer without turning around. I hear shuffling then he spoke

"Are you angry at me?" He asked slowly, hesitant. I slowly turn around to face him

"No, why would I?" I rolled my eyes at his question and then proceeded to keep with my way. I wasn't mad at him I just wanted to be alone right now. He hurried to catch up with me and stood eyeing me silently while walking next to me.

"How did they enter Asgard, shouldn't Heimdall have seen it beforehand?" I asked him, breaking the silence

"They found a way to go unseen by Heimdall well... at least until they arrive to Asgard then, whatever thing they did wore off, and Heimdall was able to detect them" Loki explained. I nodded then we went back to silence and that went on for a few seconds until I realized he was still next to me

"Loki why are you following me?" I said, releasing a heavy sigh

"Um... Can I not accompany my favorite mortal?" Loki said, playfully but I wasn't in the mood

"You don't have to do it and... I wish to be alone" I said, firmly and maybe a little annoyed

"Yes, I know I don't have to accompany you but I want to" he said, softly dismissing my request to be left alone. I didnt wanted to be rude but I was getting exasperated by his insistence and so to not say something I'll regret later, I just stood silent until we arrived at my room

I opened the door to step in, only for Loki to completely enter and sit on the couch like he owned the place, and to be honest, I was about to lose it, but I only took a deep breath to calm myself then rolled my eyes planning to ignore his presence

"So, Dear, how are you feeling?" Loki asked suddenly, and I don't know why but I wanted to burst out crying, but I held it in

"I'm fine" I said, as I sat next to him on the couch, then rested my head on his shoulder and snuggled against him, something I wouldn't have done if I wasn't so absentminded right now though it was a habit I use to do with my friends or family when I was feeling sad to feel comforted. he stiffened,  and just like that, I realized what I was doing and removed myself from him

"I'm sorry I wasn't-" I said, feeling embarrassed about what I had just did. he shook his head

"No, it is okay" he said smiling "I'm just- I'm not used to-" He said, pulling me to his side so we were lying on the couch instead of sitting down

I chuckled "What comforting people?"

"something like that" he said, putting his chin atop my head

"Do you want to talk about it?" He said, awkwardly but genuinely like he actually wanted to help ease whatever I was feeling

"No, it's fine I just... Can we stay like this for a little while?" I whispered. He hummed in acceptance and we stayed in silence I was already feeling drowsy when Loki moved probably to get himself in a more comfortable position so he was now on his side instead of face up and then he tentatively drew me against his chest

I was half asleep when I felt out of breath so I moved to my other side

"Stop moving I'm trying to sleep" Loki said, and I turned slightly, opening my eyes lazily to see him smirking. Glad he wasn't mad I closed my eyes and mumbled a very slurred "I couldn't breath" then grabbed his arm and draped it over my middle part purely out of habit then I felt him placing a soft kiss on my hair and after that, I dozed off

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