Part 33

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OB-"Hey Scarlett, what are these?"
Scarlett immediately closes her legs and puts them down
"Scarlett what was it" you ask worried
Scarlett ignores you
"Dr. Gray what was it" you ask the OB even more worried
"There were fresh cuts on her thighs"

"Scarlett are you cutting yourself"
Scarlett just stays silent
"Scarlett" I  say in a soft tone with tears in your eyes.
"Can we go home now?" Scarlett ask
I look at the OB and give her a stare

"You ready to talk?" I say softly entering our bedroom
"While you where on your interview with Ellen I started having flash back from that night and I couldn't forget I tried everything I tried watching Tv I tried painting with the kids paint I tried everything possible to try and forget but I kept seeing hi. And his face,his body hovering over me, I couldn't get the image out of my mind,so-"
"You cut your thighs and it helped you forget" I say cutting her off
"Yeah, I'm sorry and I'm sorry for everything I put you through, for cheating on you with Aubrey, for the drug thing, for being pissed at you when you needed me most, for, for leaving you and the kids"


"I'm leaving y/n I can't be here" she says taking her ring off her finger and sitting it on the bedside table grabbing a bag

"You already packed" I say on the verge of tears
"I need time alone"
"What do I tell the kids"
"Tell them that I had a last minute work trip and will be away for a while"
"Where are you going to go"
"I don't know but I'm leaving the country"

"Goodbye y/n" she says kissing be slowly both of us now crying, then Lea I get out the door.
"I need time y/n"
Just tell me this, and I want the truth, are you cheating on me"
The other line goes silent

"Wow Scarlett, you know what, you can go fuck yourself" I say as I hang up
——Scarletts POV——

I've been gone a year and it's not my best self, I had made the hard decision of putting the baby up for adoption, when I had her I obviously had to have blood work done and that's when the news came, the doctors had told me that I had stage 4 breast cancer they said that I've had it for years, , Around 25 out of 100 woman around 25% will survive their cancer for five years or more after they are diagnosed, I've had it for years undiscovered meaning I don't have much more time to live and I haven't told Y/n yet, how do I tell the woman I love that I have cancer that I could die, on our last phone call she had asked if I was cheating and I didn't know what to tell her but I don't know why I went silent I should have told her I wasn't but then she told to go fuck myself and hung up, I have cancer and haven't told my wife,I don't want to hurt her or the kids-god their five now and I missed their birthday and my wife's birthday.
- two weeks later-
There's a knock at my door
"One moment"
I open the door
"The kids are with their aunt for how ever long I need and I needed to come see you, now I know you have been through some shit this past year with getting drugged raped pregnant self harm giving the baby up for adoption but why lie to me that you're cheating why wouldn't you just tell me about your cancer?"y/n says with tears in her eyes.

—y/n POV—
After I put the kids to bed my phone started ringing and it was an unknown number from Europe I answer it confused,
"Y/n Capshaw?"
"Who's asking"
"I'm calling about your wife I was wondering when she'll be in for her next appointment she hasn't come all week"
"Umm what's the appointment for?"
"Her chemo"
"Scarlett has cancer??"
"I'm sorry you didn't know?" The doctor questions
"No I didn't, u m do you have her address on file?"
"Can I get it"
" I'm not supposed to give that out"
"Please I am her wife"
"Fine" she says softly

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