Part 34

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Previously on 'Who was once my professor'

—y/n POV—
After I put the kids to bed my phone started ringing and it was an unknown number from Europe I answer it confused,
"Y/n Capshaw?"
"Who's asking"
"I'm calling about your wife I was wondering when she'll be in for her next appointment she hasn't come all week"
"Umm what's the appointment for?"
"Her chemo"
"Scarlett has cancer??"
"How'd you find me?"
"I got a call, from your doctor, said you haven't been attending chemotherapy,I didn't even know you had cancer"
"I was scared to tell you"
"Survival rate?" I ask
"They said it's not good that I could die,"
"And what kind of cancer is it?"
"Breast and I also have a tumor on in my heart, impossible to remove they said I need a heart transplant"
"And if you don't get the transplant"
"I could die"
"How long?"
"A week if they don't find a heart?"
—-the next morning—-
"Hey where'd you go?"
"Breakfast" I say holding up a bag and coffee"
Just then the phone starts ringing,
"Hello, Scarlett"
"We have some good news we have a heart"
"We need you to come in right away"
"Yes umm I'm on my way"

—-After the transplant—— (Scarlett's POV)
      ( Hours later)
  "Nice to see you Scarlett, the transplant went well, you have a healthy heart, and more good news no more cancer"
"Oh my god really?"
"Yes really, I'm going to have a nurse come check your vitals hourly and I will see you tomorrow okay"
"Okay, wait Doctor Peterson"
"Where's my wife"
"She didn't tell you,Scarlett, y/n was the one who gave you the heart"
"No you're joking"
"Im sorry Scarlett"
"No you're lying y/n wouldn't do that! We have three kids at home what if I didn't make it out of surgery!"
"I'm sorry for your loss" the doctor says as he leaves the room

"Babe I'm home," I shout as I enter the house
"In here" y/n shouts
"You what you cooking" I ask
"Oh this I ordered it, the kids are with their aunts and we have the house to ourselves so," she started taking of the apron she was wearing and their was nothing underneath, oh fuck.
" now be a good girl for daddy and take off your clothes, everything" she's husks
"I love you so much baby"
"Hey Scarlett,"
"How have you been"
"I'm good I guess"
"And your sleeping and taking your meds?"
"Yes Chris"
"People miss you , ya know"
"Your fans"
"I have fans?"
"Tons of them and the kids miss you"
"How are they"
"Grown their twenty today"
"And y/n"
"Scarlett we've been over this"
"Y/n died fifteen years ago"
"No that's impossible I just saw her I just spent that last six years with her"
"Scarlett that was when your where 45 and you started dating when you where 39, you had breast cancer and a tumor in your heart and she saved you she gave you her heart and then a couple years later you where diagnosed with Alzheimer's don't you remember"
"Yeah Scar, and everyone misses you, and y/n is probably up there watching down on you"
"Did I ever date again"
"No you refused to date and go on dates you hardly even talked to people after y/n's death"
"No,she's not really dead  i just saw her, we where just talking she was in our kitchen, and we where doing stuff, no Chris she can't be dead,"
"I'm sorry Scarlett"

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