Updates and New Story

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     I know it's been a while since I updated. Long story short, things didn't really end well with dom and I needed some time to myself. It wasn't anything dramatic like a fight or something like that. We just felt like it wasn't as fun anymore and both decided to end it. We still keep in touch with each other and he sometimes comes over for some fun like old times, but nothing like before.

   I stopped writing for both personal and professional reasons (I have a job now), in case anyone was curious about where I've been. But something else did kinda happen that was a big surprise. I got a wedgie sub!

   I know it's weird, seeing as I write about being a sub myself. But it sorta just happened. They know about my old stories and  dom (that's a whole story on its own). And after a while they wanted me to write about some of our "sessions". So, although this story is officially over, I hope you guys are ready for the new one that's coming out this week about me and sub. It's pretty much the same as dom, but this time I'm the bully. Hope the wait was worth it and sorry for the very late post.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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