Chapter 4

After what felt like months to me, which was literally 2 weeks. David went to go get Kue from the hospital, finally, she's coming back!

In that 2 week time period I had really done nothing but sleep, eat, hang out with Harrison and Nerris, annoy Max and pull off pranks on the other campers, apparently annoying them all.

I yawned out of boredom and continued walking in circles, "The fuck are you doing?"

I turn my head and saw Max, leaning on the flag pole with his arms crossed, "Ah hi, Max! I'm waiting for Counselor David and Kue!"

"Oh, I see. I thought you were planning another prank, I would have beaten you up." I laughed, "Hahaha, would you really throw away your dignity just to beat up a girl who pulled a harmless prank on you?"

"Harmless? You put several Australian spiders in my tent, wh- HOW DID YOU EVEN GET THEM?!" He shouts. I stopped laughing and put a finger over my mouth and told him, "That's a secret~"

Just then, Nikki emerged from the bushes, she seemed to be finding something. "Oh heya Nikki! What are you doing in the bushes?"

Nikki waved, "Hi Kat! I'm looking for the platypus, Neil told me he needed to test his new experiment on it again." She explained before disappearing into the bushes again.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a car coming to our direction. I turned from Max and waited excitedly for the car, which I assumed had Kue in it.

Though I think I regret making him face my back.

"What the fuck is that shiny thing peeking from your clothes?!" Uh oh. "Ah this...? It's... something." He gave me a suspicious look, "Just don't mind it! Why were you looking at me anyway, you pervert?!"

Haha, I made him mad. I'm dead.

But before Max could act, Counselor David had arrived with Kue.

"Kue!!" I ran up to her, "Oh my goodness, if they hadn't discharged from the hospital already, everyone here would've been there with you!" "That's a lie, of course." I added, she laughed, "Yeah, if they didn't let me out any sooner, I'd be running instead. It was sooooo boring at the hospital too."

Max swooped in, "I'm actually surprised you survived being impaled by several spears." Kue let out a laugh, "The stabs weren't deep, luckily. If you really killed me, I'd be haunting you for the rest of your life!"


"Alright, campers. I've been walking around the forest lately and something is disturbing me..." Counselor David announced, "I saw a lot of scratch marks on the trees. I think there may be a bear out there! So let's be careful and hopefully not attract any bears!"

Bears, huh?

After the announcement, everyone else had exited the Mess Hall. Kue walked up to me and told me, "I think that's your doing!"

"Huh?" I asked. "Ahah, why would you accuse me? I wouldn't randomly scratch trees! That would damage my nails, my auntie just colored them before we got here!"

She scoffs, "It's obvious. You have a samurai's sword with you! And out of boredom you slashed the poor trees!"

I stared at her, "But I don't have a samurai sword??"

"Oh please, Katsuri. You're a Japanese person, of course you have a sword!!"

"You know, I am getting sick of your stereotypes, Kue."

"Be as sick as you want, you better show me the goddamn samurai sword!"

She waits. "Oh my God... Fine." I reached behind my back and pulled out the 4 foot katana hiding. "Are you happy now?"

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