Chapter 30

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"Is this his office?" Finn asks, pointing to Vincent's office door.

I grab Finn's wrist, "Please don't hurt him." I beg him. I feel like I want to burst into tears from the anxiety that fills up my stomach.

"I'm just here to talk, darling." He says. He pushes the door open with such force that the wood slams against the wall. Vincent stops pacing and looks our way.

So he didn't come after me? Do I mean so little to him? But do I really want to mean anything to him after what he's done?

"Emma!" He barks, flinching as I grab Finn's arm. Vincent's eyes dart to the movement, making his expression more angry when he moves his gaze from Finn to me. "Who is this? Your new fuck buddy?" Vincent asks, mockingly. "You're a fucking slut, you know that?"

I feel Finn move towards him, so I quickly put my hand on Finn's chest to remind him of not hurting him. I look up at him with pleading eyes. The child in me seriously believed Finn wouldn't hurt him, but only now do I realise that child might be wrong. He isn't the 15 year old I used to know. I have no idea what Finn is capable of now.

"Accusing me of cheating, while you let yourself get fucked by him." Vincent goes on, yelling. I can't believe he's yelling at me in front of Finn. He's normally so careful with his outbursts, not showing anyone what's underneath his kind mask.

I look back at Vincent and feel my eyes become teary. My thoughts go to the gym, to what Finn did to me, and suddenly I realise that he's right... We hadn't even officially broken up, even though I was planning to.

"Don't listen to him, darling." Finn's voice has something dominant and soothing at the same time, which makes me want to do as he says. I try to focus my attention on his heartbeat which feels steady against my hand. How the fuck can his heartbeat be so calm while mine is racing to the point that I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack.

"Without me you have no one, Emma!" Vincent takes a step to me, but Finn moves his body in front of me, blocking the way. "No one wants you!" He spits past Finn.

Finn takes a step towards Vincent and this time I don't stop him as he towers over him. "I'd be more grateful towards her, if I were you." I hear Finn say calmly. "If not for her I would have broken your jaw weeks ago."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Did it sound like a compliment?" Finn asks emotionlessly.

"Who do you think you are? You don't know me and sure as hell don't know Emma."

"I know what her pussy feels like, is that good enough?"

What the hell did he just say?!

Vincent looks away and laughs darkly, he's fuming. He suddenly looks back and swings his fist up, to Finn's face. Frozen in place, I watch as he hits him right on his jaw and his face flies to the left.

Finn spits out blood on the floor next to him. "I love it when people give me a reason to let my devil out to play." He says with a dark smirk on his face. Suddenly everything goes so fast. He grabs Vincent and forces him back until he hits his desk, he takes something from his pocket and the next thing I know he holds a knife against Vincent's throat.

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