Chapter 43

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We walk up to Finn's black SUV and he opens the passenger door for me. "Ladies first." He says and helps me get in. He closes the door and walks around the car to the driver's side.

When Finn's bodyguards drove away, we went back inside for one last glass of champagne. To show our face an hour longer, just so people don't think we left with the man Finn is going to kill tonight.

"I was meaning to ask you, did you get rid of your motorcycle?" I ask when he gets behind the wheel. I can still feel the tingles in my body from that very first ride years ago.

Looking back I can't believe I didn't recognize him. It's so obvious it almost makes me laugh. I guess I just was afraid to give myself that kind of hope.

He starts his car and the headlights come on, lighting up the car that is parked before us. "No I still have it, but I thought the car would be safer, in case you wanted to drink a glass of champagne. Or three, apparently." He grins my way.

"Good point." I laugh and look at the paparazzi that is talking to each other and comparing pictures. Are they planning on waiting the whole night until the event ends? What a boring job they have.

I run my fingers over my cheeks and chuckle softly.

"What's so funny?" He asks and drives out of the parking space onto the street. He looks at me shortly and then focuses on the road again, switching gears.

"I can't feel my face." I giggle and without thinking I grab his hand, that he rests on his leg and bring it to my cheek. "See? My cheeks are gone."

When he starts laughing I try to look at him angrily, but he has his eyes on the road. It's been a while since I've heard him laugh like this. "Are you laughing at me?"

I barely feel his thumb caressing my skin, he looks at me sideways and smiles. "I would never, darling. I just love seeing you like this."

"See me like what?"

"Happy." He states.

He's right. It's nice to feel this way. I deserve to smile. And I deserve to have fun and finally do what makes me happy.

I lean into Finn's touch and again take in the new freedom now that I broke up with Vincent.

His gaze moves to my lips. "Looking at me like that will get you fucked, darling." He says and moves his thumb over my lower lip.

The atmosphere suddenly changes from laughing together, to wanting him inside of me immediately.

"What if that's exactly what I want, Sir?" I tease.

He looks around the street we're driving through and suddenly turns right into another street and parks there. Energy bursts through my body when he turns off the car and turns to me. "Want to say that again, darling?"

I turn to him too and grin. "Sir?" I ask. "Or do you secretly prefer daddy? Either way, I want you to fuck me. Hard. Just like you did yesterday."

He grabs my hair and pulls me over to him until I straddle him. "Feel like signing a contract with the devil, don't you, angel?" He asks in a low growl, tightening his grip on my hair.

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