A Plan for Lights

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Guys, we have a mention for today! I wanted to thank SourySol for the amazing art! So make sure to check them out and their art! Thank you for the art! It's so amazing and the shading is unbelievable.

Guys, we have a mention for today! I wanted to thank SourySol for the amazing art! So make sure to check them out and their art! Thank you for the art! It's so amazing and the shading is unbelievable

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I held my chicken friend in my arms. I don't know what else to do. I have never seen him like this and I just knew. Something was wrong. He wouldn't act like this since... he told me himself he doesn't like showing his sadness to others. This is extreme for him.

"Sabre, are you okay?" I asked him. He looked up at me.

"Just a little overwhelmed... Don't worry Rain." He told me as he smiled at me. I smiled back to hide my worry. Something was very wrong.

"Also uh why are you wearing a suit?"

"It's a long story..." He mumbles and lets go of me. I stood up and he got off the ground. He was shaking and squeezing his wrist.

"Hello, Sabre." Light says and looks at Sabre. Sabre looks at Light in surprise.

"You're here too?" He looked around and soon found Elemental and Time. He also saw Blue Steve. "How are you all here?"

"Also a long story, that we aren't exactly sure of."

"I am sure of what happened." I looked behind me to see the Guardian. I took a step back and Light nodded to him. Blue looks in surprise.

"Guardian I'm sorry." Light starts to apologize to the Guardian who was being supported by the Overseer.

"You're okay! After the fight in the world below, I thought you were..." Blue Steve said quietly.

"If it was not for Sabre I would be. I am glad all of you are alive."

"Well... mostly." I looked over at Light. I could still see the faded exhaustion in his eyes. Sabre went over to Time and hugged him tightly. Elemental chuckled.

"He took it did he not?" The Guardian asked Light. Light nods seeming guilty

"He came out of nowhere... and took it from me... he used to to get into the world beyond without turning into ice."

"That is what I thought. I should also apologize that you could not get the help you needed."

"You couldn't even stand after you tried to teleport Guardian." Overseer seemed to remind the Guardian.

"I think we should all go inside before we explain everything. It's getting late and soon it will get cold." Illusion Steve suggested to everyone. Everyone nodded in agreement and went into the Overseer's house. Blue stayed closed to me and Light. I kept a close eye on Sabre who seemed to be stressed. I need to talk to him.

Sabre and Time explain that they had a tea party with the villain. They told us who was back as well as who we should worry about. They told us how they escaped as well. Soon after I explained what happened in the world beyond and how we got here by falling into the lake.

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