Chapter 8

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Edited: 6/9/16

Daryl, Andrea, Rick, Shane, Hershel, and I were around Carol's car trying to plan our search for Sophia.

"How long has this girl been lost?" Hershel asked as Maggie was walking over with a map.

"This is day three." Rick answered looking tired. Maggie set the map down on the hood of the car.

"County survey map, shows terrain and elevations." Maggie told us as Rick and Shane held the map down.

"This is perfect." I said. Apparently Rick felt the same. "We can finally get organized, well start searching in teams." He said looking at the map.

Hershel looked worried before speaking. "Not you two." He said pointing to Rick and I. "You gave three pints of blood yesterday, you won't be able to walk five miles before passing out." He said to Rick in a doctor way.

I was confused as to why I couldn't go. "And why can't I go?" I asked with a little annoyance. "When's the last time you ate or slept? Because by the looks of you it seems like three months." He told me.

"But I need to go out there and look for her, food and sleep can wait. Not her." I said but he ignored me.

"You as well with your ankle, if you push it your ankles done." He said sternly to Shane. I once again tried to reason but was cut off again. What the fuck!

"Guess it's just me." Daryl said glancing at me. "I'll head back to the creek work my way from there." he said I glared at him.

"I'll drive to the high way to see if she went there, I can still be useful." Shane said and smirked at me when Rick agreed. I glared at him to ready to beat his ass when Rick spoke up.

"Tomorrow then, we'll do this right." He said about to walk away.

"What about me?!" I yelled and everyone looked at me.

"Hershel's right, I haven't seen you eat since the CDC, April." Andrea said trying to calm me down. I just huffed and stormed off like a teenager. I should be out there looking for her not sitting here doing nothing.

I went inside and saw Beth, Patricia and Carol in the kitchen. Carol saw me and handed me a sandwich. I looked at her confused. "I heard what happened." she answered and I nodded and thanked her, taking the sandwich. I decided to go see Carl I heard he woke up so I wanted to see how he was feeling.

When I got there he was asleep like the last time I saw him. Except without the blood of course. I watched his stomach rise and fall slowly. At least one of the kids will surly come out of their trauma. As much as I hope Sophia makes it, I can't be sure she will.

I walked out after finishing my sandwich, giving my plate to Patricia with a thank you. I walked out side to see Dale and T-dog running over looking worried and panicked.

"What's wrong did something happen?" I asked panicked.

"Walker in the well!" Dale said out of breath. My eyes widened and got anyone I could find. Which turned out to be Shane, Glenn, Maggie, dale, T-dog, Andrea, and Lori.

We all walked over there, I was the first one there. I looked in and sure enough a big fat walker was down there growling and ruining our lives. "Looked like we got us a swimmer." I said smirking. I'm kinda glad I stayed, wouldn't have seen this if I hadn't.

"How long do you think it's been down there?" Glenn asked no one in particular.

"Long enough to grow gills." I said chuckling at my own joke. No one else found it funny though.

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