Chapter 10

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Edited: 6/26/16

"Sophia!" I called to the forest around me. Where the fuck could she be? I need to find her, I can't lose another little girl on my watch. I had already walked up my path so I started back.

After a few minutes I heard grunts and groans. It was a person. I walked over towards the sound and came to an edge. At the bottom was a river with rocks. But that's not what I was worried about.

There, climbing up the side was Daryl. His shirt gone leaving him in his under shirt. A makeshift bandage on his side. Blood around his mouth. Dirt covering his arms. And a string of ears around his neck.

What the hell?

"Daryl!" I shouted and ran over to him. He looked up at me then looked down annoyed. I ignored this. "Daryl what happened?" I asked leaning over to try and help but he was to far.

Daryl kept trying to climb. I could tell he was getting frustrated. "Come on Daryl just a little higher!" I shouted.

"I liked ya better when ya was missin'." He grunted trying to to fall. "What?" I looked at him confused. Did he hit his head?

"Yeah? Since when?" He shouted at me. what the hell is wrong with him? "Daryl what the hell?"

"Ya never took care of me, you were never there! some things never change." was the answer I got.

That doesn't help!

"Daryl!" I yelled once more. "I know what I saw!" He hissed turning around getting a better grip. "Daryl seriously what the fuck?"

"Ya best shut the hell up!" He growled at me. I looked at him and knelt down. he was close enough for me to pull him up, but I was going to make him climb now.

I put my hand out and waited he got angrier and angrier. He finally flung his hand out and grab mine.

Once this happened he looked up confused. Once he saw me our eyes locked. "April?" He asked confused.

Why the hell is he confused. I'm the confused one here. I was yelled at.
"Yeah." was all I said as I pulled him up.

He got up and I help him steady himself. He was breathing really hard. Then we proceeded to walk back to the farm. Well not so much as walk as Daryl draped over me and me dragging him.

I was now able to see the tree line so I tried to go faster. When we got there my foot got caught in a bunch of branches. I pushed Daryl out in the open as I tried to free my foot.

As I did so I started to hear yelling. I heard Glenn yell 'its Daryl' and Daryl yell something about a gun.

Ugh this branch is hurting my foot.

Then all of a sudden I heard a gun shot. Just one. I heard Rick screaming no and feet stomping around.

I ripped my foot from the branches and ran out to see what happened. "Oh my god is he dead?" I heard a panicked Andrea yell just as I got out.

There In Rick's and Shane's arms was a unconscious Daryl.


10 chapters!!

Sorry this took so long I went on vacation.

But hope you like this chapter!

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I need to know if people like this story or not!! So please comment!

Hey if I get at least 5 comments on this chapter I will update again today!

So yeah


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