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*Jay's Pov*

"What's wrong?" Asked Zoe.

"Okay so, Jordan is going to be fine. We sedated her because she wouldn't let Ethan help her. She was cut in the leg and had a few bruises but other than that, she will be fine."

"That's good. Now how's Hank?" Kevin asked.

"He was shot twice. One in the shoulder and one in the abdomen. The one in his abdomen has gone through and hit his spleen. Dr Marcel is going to remove his spleen and the bullet in his shoulder."

"What about the bullet in his abdomen?" Asked Adam.

"It's stuck in his spleen so to avoid any internal bleeding, they're just going to remove his spleen with the bullet left in."

"How long till he's out of surgery?" Asked Antonio.

"I'm not sure, sorry." Said Will.

"Can we see Jordan?" I asked.

"Yeah. She's just been discharged so she'll be out here in a minute."

We all took a seat as we waited for Hank to get out of surgery and for Jordan to join us.

"Hey, guys." Said Jordan.

"What the hell happened? You didnt think to radio?" Asked Antonio.

"It wasn't my choice!"

"You could've called." Said Antonio.

Jordan had a few things in her hands, her badge, phone and radio. She placed everything down apart from her radio, which she threw at Antonio.

"You try calling on that!" Shouted Jordan.

"In a minute, I'm going to kick you out." Said Will.

"Ever thought about a phone?" Said Antonio.

"It had no fucking service! Don't you dare put the blame on me!"

"Oh yes. Let's blame the one who's currently in surgery, unknown if he's going to make it!" Shouted Antonio.

"He will make it."

"That's what we all thought about Al and he still died."

"I'm aware, you don't need to remind me!"

"That's it! Jordan and Antonio get out of the hospital." Said Will.

"Ok, bro, calm down. Jordan let's go get coffee." I said towards Will.

Zoe, Jordan and I went to go and get coffee for everyone.

"Zoe, what do you know about Tim?" Asked Jordan.

"Who's Tim?"

"That security guard at the Dorms."

"Oh, him. He's odd. He was talking to that boy Finn the other day."

"See he is strange. I've snuck into that place three times and haven't been caught. Then, our DOA got in too."

"What's the DOAs name?" Asked Zoe.

"Peter Thomas."

"He's one of our old teacher's from Lincoln High." Said Zoe.

"I knew, I knew him from somewhere."

"Wait, so he was a teacher? Why isn't he now?"

"He got fired for dealing."

"Wait, what if he's Sleezy?" I suggested.

"So, he accidentally killed himself and made it look like it was Finn and Badger."

"I take it they're both still going away though." Said Zoe.

"Yeah they're both still going away."

"Well done you two. I have to go J. I've got boards to go do."

"Good luck. I know you'll smash them." Jordan said.

"Good luck." I said as she left.

"Wait, I don't have a car." She said.

"We'll drive you. We need to arrest Tim anyway."

"What about Badger and Finn?" Asked Jordan.

"Police caught them thirty minutes ago."

We told the others our theory and then left the Hospital. We dropped Zoe off and then drove to the dorms.

Jordan followed me in as I turned to warn her that Helen was working.

"Jordan, out!" She said.

"We're here for Tim. Where is he?"

"What's your name detective?" She asked as she looked at me.

"I'm Jay Halstead, where is Tim?"

"He's in the break room. Why?"

"Thank you." I said as I left to arrest him.

"You're sleezy and you've been selling bad drugs."

"How'd you know that sleezy was me?

"I didn't. We thought it was Peter but it couldn't be because he doesn't deal to teenagers, let alone anyone."

"Looks like I've finally been caught but so has your detective."

"What are you on about?"

"I called the police as soon as I saw her."

"You son of a bitch!" I punched him in the face and then dragged his ass out.

"You're under arrest." Helen said as she looked towards Jordan.

Antonio walked through the door laughing as he pulled out handcuffs.

He walked over to Helen and attached one to her wrist and then connected the other.

"What are you doing? She's the one who should be arrested."

"No she shouldn't. She didn't do anything wrong, you on the other hand."

"I haven't done anything."

"You're Sleezy's girlfriend and you and him planned to kill Peter because he slept with your daughter after some clean drug meeting."

"No, that's not true."

"Yes it is and your accomplices will also be in jail. Finn shot a cop and nearly killed him but he's alive and kicking. Badger has dealt drugs and killed 4 people so your little team isn't very trust worthy." Explained Antonio.

"But who attacked Jordan?" I asked.

"Helen did. She took a karate class for three years and learned knife combat." Explained Jordan.

"You two are good at working together." I said.

"Yeah we are. Officers, please take them to lock up." Said Antonio.

"I'm sorry about the hospital, I shouldn't have shouted at you or even balmed you."

"That's okay."

"We have to write up case reports but let's go see Hank first." Said Antonio.

We all drove back to the hospital and sat in Hank's room as we gave him cards and flowers. We explained what happened on the case and then he told us to leave and write up our case reports.

As we sat in the bullpen, Zoe came running up the stairs. We all looked up as she walked over to Jordan.

"Guess who's going to be a doctor!?"

"Oh my god! You passed!" Screamed Jordan as she gave Zoe a big hug.

"This doesn't mean that you guys can get hurt whenever you want." Said Zoe.

"So, who you working with?" I asked.

"I got Med. I'm working with Will."

"You two are gonna have fun." Smiled Kevin.

"When do you start?" Asked Jordan.


"Well we gotta celebrate. How about Molly's tomorrow night?" Suggested Antonio.

"Sounds good." Smiled Zoe.

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