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"Mierda." I said.

"What does that mean?" Asked Hank.

"Shit." Said Antonio as he joined us.

"We have another problem." Said Adam as Jay and him walked up to us.

"What does Mierda mean?" Asked Hank.

"Shit." I said.

"I already told you that." Said Antonio.

"I thought you were just letting your anger out too."

"What's up?" Asked Kevin.

"There was a middle school here. St Albert's." Said Jay.

"They are all missing. Twenty five students and three teachers." Explained Adam.

"How have they all been taken in broad daylight?" Asked Kim.

"Everyone was distracted by the carnival." Said Antonio.

"Did any businesses leave early?" I asked.

"I don't think s-"

"-No they did. There was a bouncy castle. We didn't see the children again but I took it that they went out the end and left." Explained Adam as he interrupted Antonio.

"What about their shoes?" Asked Hank.

"And the teachers?" Asked Kim.

"No one took them off. They were told to keep their shoes on. The teacher's walked round the side to meet them at the end." Explained Jay.

Hank moved closer to me and whispered something in my ear before asking me to give out orders.

"Okay. Antonio and Kim, I want you to go to the school and notify all the parents and get all the files on the teachers. Adam and Kevin, can you ask around the other businesses about whether they saw anything or knew what the bouncy castle people were called. Jay and I are going to notify Sofia and Diego about the twins as well as getting all the camera footage." I ordered.

"Why are we taking orders from you?" Asked Adam.

"Yeah and why have you switched up the partners?" Asked Kim.

"Because I gave her permission and we need to work quick. Plus, these partners work the best." Said Hank.

"What is going on?" Asked Kevin.

"Jordan and I have the same theory. The people from the school went on the bouncy castle and at the other end, a truck was waiting for them and took them."

"What about the twins though? How do they link?"

"I don't know but my guess is they go to the school or the kidnappers thought they went to the school so took them too." I explained.

"Get Forensics out here. If they were kidnapped, they would've made noise. But if something was sprayed at them at the end, it would knock them out, so they could take them quietly." Said Jay.

"How do you guys know this?" Asked Adam.

"As I said, it's a theory." Said Hank.

"A very bold one." Said some woman who flashed us her badge.

"And you are?" Hank asked.

"Detective Molly Greenwood from the gang unit."

"Why are you here?" Asked Hank.

"We believe this involves gangs. Some Latino gang." She said as she looked Antonio and I up and down.

"Why are you looking at them?" Asked Jay.

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