I've got you

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I grabbed Jordan and practically pulled her with me around the corner because she was frozen in her spot. Her back was against my chest as I held her close, my hand still covering her mouth.

I felt tears drip onto my hand as the men turned the corner and dragged the teacher out of the bag.

"You alright, mate?" Laughed one of the guys.

"Y-you didn't hurt anyone, did you?" Asked the teacher.

"No, we just wanted to scare them and scare you."

"Yeah you deserve it after you reported my son for swearing in class and he got kicked out of school."

Jordan shook in my arms and her legs were going weak as I held her.

"It's okay, I've got you." I whispered and kissed her head.

She turned around and hugged me when the boys left. I'm not going to lie, I was shaking too because the teacher scared the life out of me but I was trying to stay strong for Jordan.

Another shadow turned the corner but this time it was just Hank.

"You guys, okay?" He whispered.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered.

"You sure?" Hank asked.

"Yeah i-it was just the teacher. He w-was in that bag and opened his eyes." Stuttered Jordan.

"Okay, you two leave. We've got this covered." Said Hank as the rest of theam walked in.

"No. It's fine. I want to help." Jordan said.

"We want to help." I said.

"Okay. What way?" Asked Antonio.

I pointed to a small black door and we all approached with one of our hands on another person's shoulder. Hank slowly turned the door handle and we all followed him in. Antonio shot one guy and Adam shot the other because they had guns on them.

All the children were huddled into the corner with the two teachers sat at the front and the other one frozen in his spot, looking down at the body that Antonio had just shot.

"You're all going to be okay. You're safe now." Said Antonio.

"If you follow Detective Molly here and Detective Chris, they will take you outside and we will be right behind." Said Hank.

We walked as a group with our guns raised for protection and walked towards the exit. When we opened the door, we were hit with the sunset and happy screams of parents. They all rushed over to their kids and then we sent them over to the Ambos to get checked out.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to scare you guys." Said the teacher as he walked up to us.

"If you didn't, then we probably wouldn't have found the children as quickly as we did so thank you." Said Jordan.

I took off mine and Jordan's vests with shakey hands. I looked down and her hands were still shaking so I felt a bit better that I wasn't the only one.

"You okay?" Asked Molly as she came over to us.

"Yeah. We're fine just a little shaken up." I said.

We all huddled up to talk with Hank and to find out what to do next.

"Head back to the 21st and write up the case reports."

When we got back, we all got straight on with our case reports because we wanted to all get home after a long 48 hours.

"Thank you to Chris and Molly for their help today. You're welcome to help on more cases if needed." Said Hank and then the Greenwoods left.

"I need sleep." Said Adam.

"Don't we all buddy." Laughed Kevin.

"See you guys." Said Kim as her and Adam left.

Antonio and Kevin walked out together and then Jordan and I left a little later than them.

"So, do you want to go on a date later in the week?" I asked.

"Yes please. I need sleep."

"Well thank god it's getting dark otherwise we would struggle I think with the bright sun."

"Yeah. Is there any chance I can sleep at yours. I don't want to be alone. I'm still a little shaky." Asked Jordan.

"Yeah of course. I don't mind." I said.

We left my car there and I drove Jordan's car over to my house. When we got in, Will was just about to leave.

"Hey, guys. You alright?" Asked Will.

"Yeah. You?" I replied.

"Heading off for my shift and I'm tired."

"Well maybe if you didn't stay up all night watching movies with Zoe, you would be okay."

"I wasn't tired. I was worried about you guys."

"We were worried about you guys." Said Zoe as she came out and hugged Jordan.

"Enjoy work guys. See you later." I said as they left.

I made Jordan and I a bottle of water each as she was showering and changing into some joggers of mine and a top. I hopped in the shower after her and chucked on some joggers.

Jordan went to leave the room to sleep in the guest room when I stopped her.

"You want to stay with me?"

"What happened to the first date?" She laughed.

"Please. We'll probably both sleep better."

"Yeah. You're right." Said Jordan.

I pulled the blinds, made sure the door was locked and then switched off the TV that Will left on. I climbed into bed next to Jordan. It was awkward at first and we both had our backs to each other.

"Sod it." I heard her mutter.

"You want to get a bit closer?" I laughed.

"Yes because I'm cold and I want a hug."

Jordan moved closer, making me the big spoon as I wrapped my arm around her waist and held her. She kissed my hand that was above her head on the pillow as I kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight Jordan."

"Goodnight Jay."

We huddled up close to each other and through the middle of the night, she jumped which made me jump.

"You okay?"

"Yeah just had a nightmare."

"Me too. Come here."

I was led on my back as she rested her head on my chest and I put my arm around her back, drawing little circles. She hugged my side before she dropped back off to sleep as sleep slowly took over and I passed out from tiredness.

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