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1st Year

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Nora skipped over to where her brother was sitting with his friends at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, hugging him from behind.

"Woah, Nora," The boy chuckled, patting her hands, having almost choked on his piece of toast, "Are you trying to kill me before the match even starts?"

"Drats, you've found out my plan." Nora jokingly frowned, before taking a seat next to her brother.

"Are you nervous?" Wilbur asked his best friend from the other side of the table, the Scottish boy digging into his breakfast.

"Yeah," Regulus nodded, "Yeah, I bloody am."

"You'll be great, stop panicking." A voice said as Emilie joined the three of them, sitting on the other side of Regulus.

"It's easy to say that when you're not the one playing." Regulus muttered.

"Well, I'll be cheering for you." Nora told him with a grin.

Regulus smiled at his little sister, "Thanks, Nora."


Nora stood in the Hufflepuff stands, cheering wildly, her brother's scarf wrapped around her neck.

"You're still a traitor," Eliana told the girl, crossing her arms, "Both of you are."

Thalia rolled her eyes with a smile as players zoomed past them, her face painted half in the Slytherin colours and half in the Gryffindor colours, "At least I'm being impartial."

"Hey!" Nora pouted, lightly shoving her friend, "When you're on the Quidditch team, then I'll split my colours. But for now, you're not."

Eliana shook her head with a laugh, "You'll wish you swapped colours when Slytherin lose."

"We'll see about that."

Gryffindor took possession of the ball and Angelina zoomed past Slytherins, throwing the Quaffle to Katie - who caught it with ease - and made her way towards the opposing team's goal, and threw the ball, and scored and a loud ding echoed.

"Katie Bell scores! 10 points for Gryffindor!" Lee cried in excitement and he pressed a button, making a 10 shows up beside a plaque with Gryffindors name on the score board.

"Slytherin takes possession of the Quaffle. Bletchley passes to Captain, Marcus Flint," Lee commentated.

Flint dodged people and threw for the Gryffindor hoops, but Oliver appeared and whacked the ball away with his broom, smirking at Flint, who glared at him. Angelina and Katie passed the Quaffle back and forth as they strategized to score. Katie passed to Angelina - who took it, threw it, and scored.

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