02 | no tears left to cry

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Reddish orange hue painted the horizon, as the birds soared through the vast sky, making the sky appear idyllic, something really so beautiful

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Reddish orange hue painted the horizon, as the birds soared through the vast sky, making the sky appear idyllic, something really so beautiful. Little clouds swirled in the sky like cotton balls floating in an orange-tinted sea. To put it another way, despite the fact that the evening was everything but quiet, the entire ambiance was so tranquil. The bird's chirping noises burst through the silence of the evening, eventually sounding like a lovely tune, and a swarm of people flocked to the streets. Certainly, that evening might be regarded as hectic.

The car's horn overpowered the bird's soothing chirping, filling the surroundings with noises that may be irritating to others, but no one can go up to the car driver and tell them to stop blowing their horns. Even if they did, it's unlikely that people would cease doing it. The world was surely a clamoring place, continuously running toward something, never halting for anything or anyone, and in that rush, people often lost sight of their humanity and consideration. Isn't it a bummer?

Despite the fact that Park Jimin despised having his flower shop in a crowded area because the horn noises irritated him to no end, there was nothing the male could do. He could only afford to have it here since it was the only place he could afford to pay the rent. Since he was a kid, Jimin has had a strong affinity for flowers. He'd seen his neighbor who was a gardener where he grew up watering the flowers every day, and Jimin would regularly help him in doing so, and he'd even talk to the flowers as if they could respond him. If someone were to ask Jimin who his true companion was, he would most likely respond with flowers.

Heck, Jimin was sure as hell, all of his neighbors thinks he was crazy after catching him talking to his flowers a lot of times, but Jimin didn't care. They wouldn't understand. He never cared about anyone's opinion— a huge perk of growing up, learning to shut his emotions his whole life. He was never really close to anyone, even on his school days, he had never really let people be close to him in an emotional level, so he never really cared about people, let alone their opinions about him and that made him the dangerous man, because obviously, he had no one and nothing to lose.

The setting sun illuminated the horizon with a reddish-orange color, as it did every day, but today was different. Maybe it felt that way to Jimin alone, which wasn't unusual given how he usually believed things around him were different. He even felt as if he stood out from the crowd. He had no idea why he was feeling that way. 

Jimin shook his head as he broke his gaze away from the sky and the soaring birds, and closed his shop, before shoving his hands in his pockets. He walked in the pavement, hanging his head down and blending in the crowd of buzzing people. He reached out and pulled his hood up, and drew his black mask up. He kept his attention fixed on the ground, not daring to glance up for fear of making eye contact with someone, which terrified him to no end.

That shouldn't be a huge deal, but it was for Jimin, and people scared the shit out of him. Even though he had spent his whole life attempting to avoid socializing at all costs, some people continued to annoy him and labeled him a freak simply because he wasn't like any of them. His school days were unquestionably the scariest period of his life. He could not count the number of times he hid in the toilet or on the roof from the bullies in order to rescue himself from the beatings.

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