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This is my first piece of work on WP. If y'all want me to write more. I'll write more.

⚡️But first, here are some misc headcannons of Eddie ⚡️

*For fem readers*

- Knocking on his trailer door in the cold weather of Fall, shivering and waiting for him as you can hear him rush to turn down his Van Halen that was blasting on full volume before he answers the door, apologizing for responding late

- Y'all hiking in the woods on a Saturday afternoon. It's fun the first hour or so but you're out of shape and get tired easily. Eddie notices this even though you try your best to hide it for Eddie's sake. He looks at you, cocks his head and smirks and says "You getting tired, princess?" You, out of breath go, "No, I'm fine." He walks towards you and says "hop on my back, you're piggy backing off me home". And you get a piggy back ride off your favorite boy.

- Also, during hikes, you find a random clearing in a field to rest in. You pick flowers and when you ask to put the flowers in Eddie's glorious hair, he enthusiastically says yes. He wants every flower you picked in his lion's mane. He's def comfortable with his masculinity.

- It's June and school is ending in a week, you're stressed about final exams and Eddie grabs your hand and leads you back to his trailer, sits you down on the couch, hands you a FAT BLUNT and goes "You need this, my dear. Let's smoke that school stress away". The weed does help. You two pass the blunt around as he puts on tv for background noise. Your legs are on this lap as he's rubbing his hand on your arm 🥺🥺. You both are stoned as rocks and total couch potatoes for the rest of the afternoon

      But, if you were to be into shooting heroin, Eddie would not only not judge you for getting a fix, but he'd supply it too. You'd sit on his couch, crying of feeling ashamed of your drug issue, Eddie would run over with the needle and heroin.
He would start cooking it, getting a tie around your arm, prepping the syringe and saying "Blissful feelings are just moments away baby, you're gonna feel so good in a sec" and when he shoots it, you feel incredible as he stares at you in both awe and concern.

- Him inviting you to his band practice to both hang out  with  (and introduce you to) his friends. He also wants your opinion before they put on a show because he really values your opinions on music. Saying things like "Hey, Y/N, which guitar riff do you like better?"

- He's actually really into some musicals and you two will act and sing certain musicals together.

- He's in school plays every once and awhile and is hilarious on stage

- If you're into D&D he puts a ton of work into your character and makes sure your character has a detailed backstory and is in awe if your character is anywhere near badass
- if you're not really into D&D, he begs "Please, angel?? Please join Hellfire?? I'll make you a super cool, badass character!! I'll make your character go on awesome adventures??? I'm a fun DMer ;)" Until you give in

- If you're confused or unsure about something during the roleplaying game, he's more than willing to help you out. If his fellow friends/players even begin to make fun of you for not understanding, he snaps "Hey!  She's new! Hush!" He's cute when he gets defensive

- He always has your favorite cassette tape on hand in case he's there while you're having a Vecna episode 😳

- He loves showing you his guitar but has a very strict "no touching policy". He's most likely on the spectrum so he gets very upset when you break his no touching the guitar rule. He said that she (the guitar) is his first wife/ride or die

- When you get your period around him, you get embarrassed about it at first. Then he sticks his tongue out and goes "No, blood is METAL! 🤟🏻⚡️🤟🏻! badass!" You laugh, and feel better about it.

- He's bi, so if you admit you have a little crush on a teacher, he'd interrupt and go "Oh! Him?? I'd let him fuck my brains out, for sure! He's DADDY" you laugh as you weren't expecting that at first.

- Ya'll had a lovely moment when he put on Right Down The Line by Gerry Rafferty on the record player  in his trailer as you too danced together in harmony. You remember him twirling you around with his arm. The trailer was too small to really dance, so you cranked the volume all the way up as you two danced to it outside.

- You two didn't get into it much, but you knew the reason he lives with his uncle had something to do with his dad being an abusive dick that would hit him and his mom. His mother was neglectful so CPS took him out of his parents' home and put him in his uncles' trailer. He has his triggers. But most of the time, he's destined to stop the cycle of abuse. He takes any aggression he has out on mosh putting at concerts. He's never mistreated anyone, really. He knows and remembers the pain and never put anyone through it if they didn't deserve it.

- His uncle kept to himself when you were over. He wasn't enthusiastic about you being there, but he didn't wanna make you feel totally unwanted. So, every once and Awhile he would blast on Bob Dylan songs and other iconic musicians from the 60s so you, Eddie, and he could sit on the front lawn and just listen and indulge in music altogether. Singing along here and there.

- You and him discussing his failure to graduate twice and him saying that everyone thinks he's this big thug who doesn't care about his future. When another reason he's struggling in school is because he has (what would now be known as) learning disabilities. People would call him the R-word and he would pretend like it's whatever and snap back with a witty comment. When really, it hurt because he knew he wasn't getting academic support and feels like he'll be stuck in high school forever. 🥺😢😢

- Arguing was interesting between you too. It was never about HUGE issues because neither of you were petty enough to bring up past mistakes that didn't matter anymore. If he didn't wanna do something or see someone, he'd compare them to various characters and creatures he knew. For example, you wanted him to go to Starcourt mall with you but he really didn't like malls (you assume due to a sensory issue with him). He'd say "You're not taking me to Mount Doom if I have no reason to be there, woman!" You'd persuade him by saying "They have a cool new music store you'd love!" "I'm not cheating on my wife! (his guitar) She's all I need." You knew he wouldn't budge so you went shopping on your own the next day.

-He has a nice collection of videos on tape he admitted he stole from Family Video a few years back. Classic Eddie. These videos you two watched together included

A Neverending Story
The Labyrinth
The Dark Crystal
Nightmare On Elm street
The Evil Dead
Most of the Star Wars Movies
The Secret of Nimh
Alice in Wonderland (to watch when y'all were BAKED)
The Breakfast Club
The Shining

******Hope you liked my first entry! Feel free to reach out for requests through messages or comments******

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