Ms. Miami

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"Hey C, you done yet- WOAH" Milo gasped when he walked into the room with what looked like Saran Wrap on his arm.

"What," I said, narrowing my eyes.

"I didn't think this is what you meant when you said you were going all in," he said, still in shock.

"Does it look bad," I asked, my insecurity about my back always dictated my emotions when my scars were visible.

"Nah it looks pretty sick actually," he nodded in approval.

"I want to get another piercing," I suddenly said.

"I don't think that's such a good idea just yet. You've just got a lot of body work done, and you even got your nose pierced two months ago," he reminded.

"Fine, next month," I said, texting my chin on my folded arms.

I turned my key into the lock, but the door pushed open from the force.

The door wasn't even fully closed.

I felt Milo tense up behind me, and I swiftly pulled the glock out of my waistband.

I had left it in the car when we went to the tattoo shop because I don't think it would've ended well if I strolled in with a gun.

I pushed the door open, the glock still help tightly in my hands.

I heard rummaging from the home office and I silent stepped towards the slightly ajar door of the office.

"Stay here," I signed in sign language.

He nodded.

Sir personally taught us ASL, it was the only involvement he really ever had in our upbringing.

I silently stalked closer and closer, as I got closer I could hear the rummaging getting louder.

I heard a thud and a silent "shit"

I pounced forward, shoving the doors open as I clicked the safety off my gun.

I could see a body peaking out from underneath the desk, whoever this person was seemed to be picking something up.

"Get the fuck up," I hissed.

I saw manicured French tips rise first, next a small body stood up.

There stood a small blonde girl, who looked about 20, her green eyes were wide and her mouth parted.

"Who the hell are you," I snarled getting closer.

"Miami," she stuttered.

"I asked you your name" I repeated my jaw clenching tighter.

"I'm aware. My name is Miami," she snapped back.

I squinted my eyes, what a strange name.

"Well Miami why the hell are you here, why the hell are you my house," I said, narrowing my eyes further.

She gulped and looked like guilt was eating her up.

"I'm scared," she whimpered.

"Really?" I fake pouted, and showed mock empathy.

"No." she said, straightening up and setting her features to a bored look.

What the hell.

She crossed her arms and just stared at me.

"Are you going to shoot me and get it over with," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Not until I figure out why your here," I said, lowering the gun.

She smirked and whipped out her own gun in and shot at me.

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