Fluttering Flame

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**TIMESKIP, around.. a week later..???**

*Its been about.. three months since you started living with error in his house. He spends most of his time writing or reading and then destroying it for some reason. You obviously shrug it off since he's an odd skeleton, you also notice he eats a remarkable amount of chocolate. He shared some with you a couple times but not usually. He also lets you touch him now, he seems to feel more at ease with your presence.*

"Hey y/n, I brang back some other sweets from UF for you to try."

*He handed you a bag with a yellow dust across his face. You grab it and look inside, its all.. Valentines chocolate? Is it really that time of year already?*

"Oh! Valentines chocolate, always good around valentines day. Especially if you want to ask someone out."

*You smile at him, nodding as a thanks sitting down on the ground and ripping open half of the chocolate devouring it in a matter of minutes.*

"Say, Y/N. What is your favorite chocolate anyways?"

"Oh? Mine is definitely the chocolate bars you get. They taste the best in my opinion!"

*He hid his face, obviously he was screaming internally and you just sat there looking at him pretending to not know what's going on. You tapped on his shoulder making sure he was okay, he looked up at you.*

"Uhm. Sorry, just was thinking."

*Sure, Just thinking eh? You shimmied over closer to him and embraced him slightly hugging him close. Looking at the TV, your head was on his shoulder and you held his hand. He placed his skull ontop of yours and you guys just sat in the peaceful silence. Just sitting and enjoying your company, After a while you got up*

" We should make some hot cocoa and sit next to the fire place just hanging out, If that's what you want to do?"

"Absolutely! Can we add extra chocolate into it?"

*You chuckled at the idea of it and nodded. Walking into the kitchen you start to make some boiling water to add the cocoa packs into. You look up as the water is boiling and you see Error messing with the fireplace trying to make it light. You see he's obviously struggling and you go over to help him. Looking around the area you found the on-switch and it lit into flames.*

"You silly bones! You don't need to light it manually!"

*You hit his shoulder slightly, enough to make him move a little at least. You laugh at him walking away back to the water to pour it. Putting the mixture in and stirring it, adding in chocolate for him. You look up at him and he's just staring at you, admiring your beauty/handsomeness, smiling you grab both the mugs and sit next to him at the fire. you put peppermint in your cocoa and he pointed it out.*

"What is that all about?"

"Oh this? Its just peppermint. Wanna try it?"

*You reached the mug out to him, he put his mug down and grabbed yours. Taking a slight sip and gasping from the taste.*

"WOAH! That's fantastic.. I almost wish you made one for me."

*You smile at him and his adorableness, He handed you your cup back and drank the rest of his, he went and grabbed a blanket from his room. You finish the rest of yours and set it down next to his. Getting up, you started to dance slightly from the background music. You felt as light as a feather, continuing to dance until the music stopped.*

"Wow, you're good at dancing."

*You jolted your head over to see Error clapping for you in awe. He walked past the couch placing the blanket on it and grabbed your waist pulling you in and began to dance Infront of the fireplace with you. The music in the background, the fireplace cracking, the tapping. It all made you feel, calm nearly joyful. You danced into nothingness with him by your side. Ending the day off with a goodnight hug and falling asleep on separate beds.*

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