Salient Sincerity

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*Walking out of the room, you notice error isn't home currently. Its very quiet in the hallway, you silently walk out the hallway and look around. Not even a cricket made noise, it was you and your breathing. Walking into the kitchen you make some of your favorite (insert your fav beverage). You make sure to try to make as less noise as possible, since it made you uncomfortable thinking your all alone again. Suddenly, you hear the door open and close. Its error! He's back! You set your stuff down to go greet him.*

"Hey Y/N! I just got back from Underfell again. I st- I mean- bought! Some chocolate."

"Sure. You bought it."

*You shrugged and he scratched his skull. You reach out your hand to shake his but he decided to grab your hand and place it among his cheekbone. He glitched quite a bit. But he did this a lot. You're not surprised at all by this since its a common occurrence. He kissed your hand*

"Really?~ Just a handshake? Come on darling. You know I appreciate touching you right?~"

*Your face turned a bright red and your heart felt flushed with love. You took your hand and put it against your face*

"HA! I just kissed you by not kissing you!"

*His eye sockets widened and his face turned a bright yellow. You laugh out loud*

"You're so easy to fluster skelestring~"

(Glitching next part. Not stuttering. 😵‍💫)


"Make me skelestring!!"

*You backed up and turned around starting to run to the room. He.. TELEPORTED? SHI- You bumped into him.*

"Make you?~"

*He grabbed your face. Pulling you closer.. Your heart beating fast. Not pulling away. You feel connected somehow..? Something is. Pulling you closer.. You kiss. Closing your eyes and putting your arms around his shoulders, he grabs your waist gently hugging you close to him. You stop kissing and you put your head on his chest and neck. Bringing your arms down and hugging his ribcage.*

"You're very caring. I didn't really, expect that. But, its true."

*You look up and his face is not.. glitched out? You grab his face with a hand and caress him. He's smiling down on you.. You grin smugly and kiss his neck. He gasps quickly and backs away from you.*


*You step closer to him. Inch by inch, he steps back, over and over. Until.. He falls onto the bed. You grab his legs and pull him closer to your body and pull him up. He's light now? Jeez. You pick him up and he wraps his legs around you stuffing his face into your shoulder. You feel him squirming slightly out of embarrassment.*

"Embarrassed aren't you?~"

*He squeezed your chest. You bring him into the living room, sitting him down and walking away. Suddenly he teleports in front of you, looking down on you.*

"Where are you going..?"

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom-?"


*He walked over to the couch and sat down, laying on his back after turning on the tv. (you do your business.*


*You're sat on the other side of the couch, looking at the tv. He's eating a bar of chocolate, you sigh.*

"Hey error..?"


"Can, I have some chocolate..?"

"Oh, sure-"

*Before he could say anything else, you started to crawl on top of him, reaching for the chocolate, and then eventually grasping it. Not realizing how close you two were. You sit on his lap and grab the chocolate very nimbly. He looks at you with a yellow dust across his face. Covering his face he tries to get up, but you fall on top of him on accident. You're close. You can feel his breathing, he's very hesitant right now.*


*You try to get up but he pulls you back down, patting your back and grabbing the chocolate that was once his. He rubs your neck gently, you sit there in silence. He was warm. His aura was so comforting, but.. It didn't make sense.. He wasn't exactly the type of person to just touch you, or even really to do anything to you. You sink into him, hugging him slightly and sitting there, falling asleep for a bit.*

***Error POV***

*Y/N makes me so happy, the smile they put out for everyone to see, its so comforting. Being able to touch them like this is a gift. Just being in their presence is a gift, a godess/god they are. So elagant, vibrant, loving..*

*A few hours later*

***Y/N POV***

*Waking up to see he's half asleep, you pat his head, moving upwards to his neckbone and stuffing your face into it.*

"Why are you like this Y/N."

"Why aren't you.. sleeping." *you mumble*

*He scoffs and brings his head down more by taking a pillow out from under his skull.*

"You're an ass."

"So are you."


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