Expeditious Dialogue

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*You walk into the room, seeing error in the corner knees up to his face. You reach to touch him and decided not to. You sit on the ground next to him, looking at his face and seeing him still blushing. You smile and touch your face. (Specifically your lips) and sit there with him in silence.*

"I'm sorry I did that."

*Error said, he broke the silence. Although, you were grateful cause you didn't want to do it yourself.*

"You're okay error. I-"

*You hesitated in telling him your feelings. Decided not to and proceeded to wait for him to respond.*

"I didn't think, I should've stopped it. I really didn't mean for this to happen."

*You sigh and pat his shoulder lightly so you dont scare him. Getting up and walking over to your bed, when suddenly you feel someone hug you from behind. You feel him glitching. He's never PHYSICALLY touched you here like this before. Sure you've danced but he's never held you this close before.*

"Error I-"

*You hear a thunk and turn around to see he.. Fell over?! You pick him up and bring him to his bed, you run out and grab an icepack. A blanket, and an extra pillow. You feel his head after getting him all cozy, his temperature was fine. Maybe it was his phobia..?*

"You know, I'm not sick right?"

*HES AWAKE?? You jump back and he opens his sockets.*

"Skeletons can't get sick. Are you stupid?"

*You scratch your head in embarrassment, hoping he didn't hear you screaming at the top of your lungs grabbing all those things for him. You quickly run out and grab him some of his chocolate to give to him. Getting back, his face lit up when he saw his favorite sweet treat. You hand it to him and start walking out.*

"Hey y/n?"

*You turned around*


"Could you maybe, stay here. With me?"

*Your eyes widened*

"NOT THAT I WANT YOU HERE! I don't care if you leave."

*He crossed his arms, he looked so dreamy, the tension was high in this room. You touch your face once more and run out to grab your writing book.*


*You walk back into the room holding up his writing book and your writing book*

"Since we're going to stay here mr. Skelestring, we might as well write something."

"I told you to stop calling me skelestring y/n."

"What are you gonna do about it skelestring?"


*He got up and sprinted at you. You quickly ran out of the house into the void sprinting full speed ahead. He was getting closer and you felt his strings tying around your feet. You jump and they untangle. Leaving you to sprint faster and get away from him. You stop to look back and he's no where to be seen. Not even the house is here.*

"Up here y/n."

*You look up and his strings grabbed you.*


*You laugh hysterically leaning back a little, but you stop suddenly. Looking at him you question something. Has he ever.. been on a swing?*

"Hey error?"


"I've got a question."

"Shoot it kiddo,"

"Have you ever.. been on a swing before?"

"Huh? What's a swing."

"Its like, you sit on a bar of wood and theres string or rope holding it up and you swing back and forth."

"Oh? Like this?"

*He began swaying his feet, making him fling back and forth like he was on an actual swing.*

"I mean, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a swing y/n. Other than that, we're already traveling home so lets talk for a little longer."

*You yawn and agree, you talk about some things, mostly about writing, you get home and change into some sleep clothing. Getting into bed, you say goodnight to error and turn over to sleep.*


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