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ix. to hell
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Two days ago, Vincent had found himself catching an early bus home from work. His wrinkled button-up and neon orange pants had never seemed so dull to him before. The vehicle was practically empty save for mall-goers loaded with bags from various brands. When he reached his stop, the ten-minute walk to the trailer park seemed infinitely longer than it should've.

   His father wasn't home yet. Then again, Vincent had never really seen much of him in the past few years. Ever since his mother left, his father had poured every ounce of his concentration into work and the hole-in-the-wall bar downtown. It wasn't as though Vince had any complaints: he never had a curfew or any rules for that matter.

   When he laid down in his bed, it struck him that any bitterness he thought he was feeling towards Olivia was truly directed towards himself. It was a simple job: man the Julius, stay on top of things. He didn't even make an effort to find the 'Sorry, We're Closed' sign. He had royally fucked up, not just with the customers, but with Olivia.

   She was gentle, he knew that. Occasionally sarcastic and semi-ditzy for the amount of brains she had, but gentle. She let him take hour-long breaks and fostered his laziness all with a smile on her face. Yet, Vincent had found himself incapable of replicating that same gentleness when taking over her leadership. He felt a lump swell in his throat. In time, they would come to laugh the incident off. It would be a silly memory they could reminisce over years later. Now, though, it was paralyzing him. He'd failed her more than he ever had before. She trusted him, and he failed her.

   It was only after the sun had set did Vincent reconcile with himself. He had to apologize. There were no words to describe his guilt, but he had to find some way to atone. His past actions may have been failures, but the truth lay right before him: he would follow Olivia to Hell and back. He, though, had not expected Hell to be so close to home.

   Vincent let out scream after scream as the elevator flew down. He clutched the table, hoping, praying, that wherever they were going was not their final destination.

   "Everyone get down!" Olivia had never heard her voice sound so panicked, "Get the hell down!"

   "Shit, shit, shit!" Dustin screeched, ignoring the girl's words. His palms, slippery with sweat, smashed against the buttons on the keypad. When his attempts didn't work, Erica thought it best to try the same method with her own hands.

   "Is no one hearing me? I said get down!" Olivia screamed once more. She sat on the floor, clutching onto one of the racks built into the wall.

   "That's a little hard to do when we're literally plummeting to our death!" Robin shouted back.

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