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vi. the boys and the blonde
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"No way." The two simple words fell from Steve's lips so adamantly that he almost believed he'd get his way.


   "No 'buts,' there's no way I can put up with him," Steve rolled his eyes while fixing the sailor hat atop his head, "If you haven't noticed, we kind of don't like each other."

   "And why's that?" Olivia let out a sigh, trying her hardest to hear him out without calling him on his bullshit within two seconds.

   "He's more annoying than all the little twerps combined," he scoffed like a child.

   "Listen, I can admit that I'm annoying, but I'm way more tolerable than those brats she babysits," Vincent grumbled in his seat. The Scoop's Ahoy break room seemed to be extra cold this particular morning with the new development.

   "How many times do I have to say it, tutor, I tutor the boys," the girl huffed, plopping down at the seat across from Vincent.

   "And I'm right here," Dustin glared at the older boy.

   "Oh, that's right, you're so tiny I almost missed ya, Sport," Vince grinned.

   "Don't patronize the kid," Robin merely mumbled, rubbing her temples. Uneasy quiet engulfed the room, anticipation hanging in the air as each member of the group focused on a different square of dirty tile.

   "It's just one day," Olivia broke the everlasting silence with a whisper, "Not even one day. It's an hour or two. Besides, you're just wearing stupid binoculars and checking out the food court. It's not like this is serious."

   "This is serious, Olivia, very serious!" Dustin exclaimed with sudden excitement, "You know exactly how real this situation is, don't act like you don't. And the art of spycraft is not something to be laughed at."

   "Oh, please, you're just keeping an eye out for blonde dudes with bags, you're not James Bond," Robin shook her head. It was earlier that morning when the two girls broke the news that they let Vincent in on the Russian Conspiracy. It was around the same time Steve and Dustin had suggested 'spycraft' as a valid way to collect information.

"Okay, look," Steve began with a sigh, "I know that you're all close or whatever, but I don't get why you had to tell him about everything. This is our thing, we all get to choose who knows."

"I get that you're upset, but this was bound to happen sooner or later. It was a matter of time. Olivia and Vincent work together, you really think she's that good at keeping her mouth shut?" Robin suggested calmly.

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