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ii. he's back
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Today was the day. Olivia was practically bouncing off the walls of Orange Julius, an excited smile on her face as she served people drinks. It was down to the hour now.

   "Hey, perky, what's wrong?" Vincent asked, leaning against the main counter.

   "Nothings wrong. Actually, everything is right." she smiled wildly.

   "Oh, man. I can see your molars." he commented, making Olivia roll her eyes.

   "Shut up. Dustin's coming back today!" she exclaimed.

   "That kid you babysit?" Vincent questioned with a quirked brow.

   "I tutor him and we're friends." she scoffed, propping up her elbows on the counter.

   "You're seventeen and he's twel-"

   "He's fourteen, Vincent. He's like a little brother, ok?" she sighed, turning away from him as a group of teen boys entered the store.

   "You get them and I'll get the next ones." Vincent offered.

   "No, you won't." Olivia laughed, causing him to shrug.

   "I probably won't." he replied, stepping into the break room. Olivia watched as the four boys walked towards the counter, laughing about something with smiles stretching across their faces. They all looked extremely similar; pale skin, either sandy blonde or brown hair and tight jeans.

   "Welcome to Orange Julius! What could I get for you today?" she asked with a large grin. A boy with blond hair stepped towards the counter with a smirk on his face.

   "I'll have two strawberry banana smoothies, two mango pineapple smoothies, and your number-" he glanced down at her name tag, "-Olivia."

   She opened her mouth to speak, but before she did, her eyes wandered back to Steve. It wasn't unnatural for her eyes to settle on him, but right now it was strange. A conventionally attractive guy who, Olivia assumed was pretty rich, had just asked for her number, but yet all she could think about was Steve.

   "That'll be twelve thirty-five," she spoke, her smile faltering. He handed her the money with his grin ever-present.

   "Uh, coming right up." she mumbled. As she made the smoothies, she wondered if she should give him her number. Was it even right? It sure didn't feel like it. Why, though?

   "Here's your receipt and smoothies." she pushed the drinks and paper towards him, eyeing the numbers she'd written in black sharpie next to the total.

   "Thanks." he said as they walked out of the store, high-fiving each other. She sighed and giggled slightly, walking towards the break room to grab a rag. As she stepped into the break room, Vincent eyed her down.

Lovefool . . . Steve Harrington²Where stories live. Discover now