Becky's amazing plan

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Damian knew he couldn't be worrying about a peasant girl, but she was important in his heart. He had to somehow pull Marcus away from Anya.

The next day, during lunch, Anya was joyfully hanging around Marcus's table, talking about her "Bondman" stuff again. Damian felt left out as Anya was always around him calling "Sy-on boy! Sy-on boy!" Although Anya caught a glimpse of Damian staring at her with Marcus, she decided not to read his thoughts, she need to focus on the mission.
Damian always showed signs of annoyance towards Anya and always chased her away or asked her to get lost; now, Anya really didn't pay any attention to Damian anymore.

Days went by to weeks, Damian was getting more dull every single day. He could tell Marcus had already developed feelings to Anya from his day to day emotions with Anya.
Damian finally decided to muster up his courage and plan something with his friend's help.

The next day, he felt awkward but still asked Emilie and Ewen for help, even Becky.

"Uh..Guys...... I don't know how to ask you this but I need help from you. Did you guys notice how Anya didn't interact with me for a few weeks since the day Marcus transferred here? I need all of you to help me... I feel unusual when Anya dosen't talk to me. It has already been many years and I'm already used to it... "

Emile: "Boss man, I thought you hated her? Why are you doing this?

Ewen: "No wonder Boss Man was so depressed these few weeks! He misses that stubby legs girl!"

Emile: "I will help Boss man no matter what!"

Ewen: "Me too!!"

Becky sighed, 'I didn't know Desmond liked Anya but this is getting so much more interesting. It would be perfect if I helped Desmond out.' Becky thought, and gave Damian a nod, smirking. Becky must've known what to do after watching her romance dramas for years.

"Okay. First of all, you have to get to Anya first before Marcus arrives. Next, you need to build a conversation with Anya. Maybe tell her about peanuts, she'll be interested. OH YEAH! Tell her you'll buy her bondman toys and peanuts! I know you don't have the courage to ask her this, but just in case, ask her if you could visit her house. It would be a good request. Thennnnnn, you will start dating!" Becky advised.

Damian's face turned tomato red. He was flustered. "N-NO! I DON'T EVEN WANNA DATE HER! SHUT UP!"

However, Damian liked Becky's advice. He knew what to do.

Becky Slayed😻😻

Becky Slayed😻😻

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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