Chapter 1

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Just as she gained a new lead to possibly help save the world— she packed up everything she could and took off to find the answer she and the few last humans of earth needed.

— Next thing she knew, she was thrown into a wormhole that appeared in the middle of the day as she was flying through the air at neck breaking speeds.

She landed in the Batcave— much different and more advanced than she remembered. And passed out from the shock of seeing her father, and her possible family she never got to see. Along with her grandfather Alfred.

"....G-grandpa Alfie?"

She didn't know how long she was asleep— but she felt more comfortable than she had in a long time. Felt like she was floating on air— and she knew exactly how that felt like.

She opened her eyes to see a dark ceiling, and heard breathing all around her.
"Grandpa Alfie? Was that you?" I called out pathetically. I felt like breaking down when I heard a few hitch their breathing.

I let my eyes glow, lighting up the room, and almost flouted off the bed if I hadn't been so surprised by the sudden power lift. I yelped in scared surprise, loosing concentration and falling back on the bed.

From the Darkness came Grandpa Alfie, with his domino mask and daily butler suit. A hand to his side, another to his chest— looking much younger from what I remembered—"And who are you, miss? How do you know my name?"

The sentence broke my heart— I started tearing up— sniffing and rubbing my eyes violently to get rid of the stinging it caused. "I-I'm Mar'i Grayson— you know me Grandpa Alfie— why don't you remember me—"

I broke my sentence to take in a few deep breathes as he came closer and put a hand on my arm that rubbed my left eye.
"— Grayson? Where did you come from? How did you appear out of nowhere?"

"I don't know— one minute I'm flying through the air to get the cure to save Earth— next thing I know is that I'm headed through a wormhole— falling into the batcave with strange people I don't even know—"

"What is your relation with Grayson?" A voice asked from the darkness. I couldn't pinpoint where, because of the constant movement all around me from the hidden others.

"My Mother was Koriand'r, and my father was Richard Grayson." I spoke out in a wobbly voice, eyes tearing up again. I usually wasn't such a crybaby but my father died just a few weeks ago—


"Yes— my mother died from a circulatory illness..... before the great downfall..... when I was five. My f-father.." I took a deep breathe, closing my eyes, and taking Grandpa Alfie's hand when he offered it. "He died just a few weeks ago—" I whispered out, quickly letting go of Grandpa as I felt my hands about to glow with the raw energy inside me. I can't even hold my Grandpa's hand without hurting him somehow....

"....I'm the last flying Grayson." I whispered out, letting a few tears fall, finally mourning— I didn't have the time to do before. I didn't have the somewhat comfort I have now.
I stared at my hands, letting the glow slowly go away, clenching them into a fist.

"So she's from a different dimension, possibly?"
"She definitely is— no one can act that way if it's not true—"
"There are extreme method actors out there—"

"You're my daughter?" A voice spoke up, and I didn't look up in fear of what I would see, how I would react as I just unloaded all my troubles onto this alternate family I wasn't even close to.

It took my a few moments, and a shoulder pat from Grandpa Alf before I was "coaxed" into looking up. I was way too curious for my own good.

He looks twenty years younger than the father I once knew. Like he didn't have the world on his shoulders— and all I could do was stare at him.
He was dressed in his usual Nightwing suit, except it was blue, and his usual domino mask. He wasn't smiling like how I remembered in the photos I had— he looked somewhat upset— and I didn't know if he was upset with me showing up, or just having to deal with me in the future.

"Y-yes.." I whispered out, tears falling down my face more faster. And I stopped my eyes from the toxic green they glowed— letting them become the bright blue I was born with.

Just as I whispered those words— it became dead silent in the caves' medical bay. I fidgeted with the sheet on top of me, feeling extremely nervous being near a doppelgänger.

"Miss, what is your hero name, may I ask?"
"Oh— it's NightStar. Real original, I know— but I wanted my hero name to match my parents— my mother actually helped me figure it out...." I whispered the last part, smiling sadly at my arm cuffs I inherited.

"Beautiful name, miss."

"What was your world like?" Another voice asked— a feminine voice.

"To sum it up— its dying. After another harmful alien invasion, no Batman around to help— the heroes started going against each other. They fought each other more than they defended earth from galactic threats. The water became toxic— the plants became extinct— the animals died off, and the citizens became few. The world suffered from sandstorms, constant acid rain, toxic hurricanes— its endless. "Survival of the fittest" became the only saying anyone knew."

"My father was one of the few heroes left, who actually cared enough to risk him life, saving people from the bombs from other countries. People hailed him as the only hero they expected to save them."

"After Grandpa Alfie, Uncle Tim, Uncle Jason, and Mom died, for the last time— my father became too depressed to live.... I think he went to his death on purpose... "

"What about Damian?"

"Who?" I asked, looking up from my clenched fists.

"The blood son of Batman? Demon Spawn of Talia?"

"Batman and Talia never had a child...? Batman died way before I was born— I don't even know much about him, other than the fact that Catwoman suffered a great loss, along with Grandpa Alfie, Tim, Jason, and Father. No one spoke of him, but after his death, it was like the world had became a beacon for bad luck."

"What about your grandparents from your mother's side?"

"I'm a half breed. Most of that planet wouldn't want a half breed like me around. My Grandparents did care for me— but they were dealing with war as well. Space was unsafe, attacks happened everyday. No one was safe."

"Were you close with your dad?"

"Not really... after my mom died, he always said I reminded him too much of her, so he sometimes avoided me— but we had moments where we would talk about missions and what orders I was to follow."

"That's no excuse— a father should look after their children— he should have taken care of you—"

"Father was a very loving and caring person before, always taking me to the park, flying with me and my mom, drawing with me after patrols...."

"I followed his order to stay at home while he saved a few people from an unexpected bombing. Everyone came out except one...."

"Grandpa Alfie died in an explosion at the manor. Father and I heard news of the accident in that area and came straight away, but we were too late."

"Uncle Tim's body was found near a popular weapons trade. He went alone, didn't even call us to tell what he was doing—"

"Uncle Jay was lost in space— and while that may seem like he didn't die, there were too many wars happening in space for it not to happen— and after a many years of expecting a signal— it never came."

"So I guess we're adopting a half alien from another dimension who just so happens to be the daughter of the original Boy Wonder? Cool." A voice spoke up, sounded a little gruff yet had a slight accent I couldn't quite place. He sounded familiar, that's for sure.

"We need to run tests first— luckily I gathered a bit of her DNA for this exact moment, but the test will take ten minutes." A more gentle voice spoke up, he sounded dead tired, yawning after his sentence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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