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Earth and water. Earth and water. Earth and water. Oh, my kami.

Hashirama, first Hokage, 99th percentile chakra control. Can use all chakra affinities; mainly uses wood style. The only known person to successfully combine water and earth to create a new element. 

Believed to be a Kekkei Genkai, yet, he claimed otherwise. Due to the impossibility of accomplishing the combination of the two affinities, as stated by the council, and other professionals, it is still classified as a Kekkei Genkai.

He said it's not. It is not a Kekkei Genkai, it is possible to learn.

I have a natural affinity for wood and water; it's not a Kekkei Genkai. If my chakra control is somehow at 99% or above...

So then. How can I find out my chakra control? Library time it is.

I quickly packed the scrolls that Kakashi had given me, hands shaking with anticipation and excitement causing me to fumble a few times.

I don't expect my chakra control to be that high, but either way, I'll be able to read books about Jutsu for my affinities; which is good enough for me.

I ran all the way to the library, rushing in through the doors; surprising some of the workers there. I disregard them and speedwalk my way to the chakra section once again, feeling a sense of Deja vu.

My eyes scan over the titles before I found one that would be able to help me: Your chakra control percentage(how to find it, and what it is).

I don't rush home and read it. I sit in the middle of the aisle, reading as if my life depended on it. It practically did!

If someone were to walk by they would believe that I wasn't comprehending what I was reading; to be fair, I was searching for something specific, rather than reading the whole thing and as such, it looked as if I was just skipping all the pages.

I stopped abruptly, slamming the book onto the floor and leaning in to get a better look. Reading attentively.

Ah so there is something you need to buy, but it can be found at most local ninja stores.

Finding the information I needed I closed the book and put it back on the shelf, I then began my journey to a ninja store not far from here.

I got some more weird looks as I ran to the store- or many it was because I was smiling as I ran.

 Who does that?

I walked in, slamming the door open. The store owner jumped a little and stuttered out a nervous, "Hi how can I help you?"

I almost felt bad for shocking him. Almost. It was important though!(I can feel bad later)

"I need to find out my chakra control percentage, do you have the thing for it?"

I rushed out, out of breath. My hair was sticking up a little all over, and my clothes were more ruffled than I may usually let them get.

He smiled a little, and -thankfully- nodded and pointed to the wall on the left side. I walked over and grabbed it.

It was a piece of paper, but one that would be used for a seal.

I looked confused- and probably insane, but that's beside the point, so he gave smiled softly and started to give me an explanation.

"You should use your chakra to open the seal, when you are finished there will be no summons, but a number will appear. That will be your percentile"

I gave him my thanks and tried it out right then and there.

I pushed my chakra, looping, twisting, and turning. Adding more and taking some out.

Then it poofed.

There was some smoke, which cleared away pretty quickly.

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