Hidden Ace

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Neither step on any of the seals unfortunately, but Tenzo happens to run into my man made trap. I almost snort at his stupidity as he yells, calling for Kakashi to take him down.

Kakashi makes his way over, but I stop him from helping Tenzo, engaging in a Taijutsu battle.

He throws punches and kicks which I attempt to block— also throwing punches at him.

(For simplicity, and for my sake, I won't be shouting out every name of the Ninjutsu used— if you guys want I can add them in though ofc, but I feel like, realistically Ninja wouldn't call them out)

He formed some hand signs, crouching down— dirt rose up around me, enclosing me in a dome, and then shooting out spikes towards me. I was able to somehow dodge most of them— but my cheek got a gash from one, making me grimace.

I broke out, and wood flew at my face as I did. I crouch , effectively dodging, and bring forward my own wood to launch at Tenzo's face. It catches him off guard enough for it to hit him square in the nose, and wrap around his abdomen as it splayed out.

I yelp as a pillar of earth comes out from under me, knocking the air out of me as I go up with it.

I roll myself off before it comes up to high, landing on my feet and stumbling for a second.

I spot Kakashi doing more hand signs, I get into a stance ready to run or shunshin as necessary.

He finishes and rings of fire make their way towards me— I duck under the first one, heat grazes my head and I cringe at the burning sensation.

I don't stay any longer to find out how hot the rest are, I shunshin away, jumping at Kakashi. A beam of wood comes between us, I almost smack straight into it- instead I bring my feet forward and channel chakra into it, breaking through it.

My feet almost slam into Kakashi's face by extension, but he ducks.

I land on the ground with a roll, popping back up just to duck under even more wood.

I jump to the side— Tenzo being persistent with his wood attacks.

A large rush of water- a water dragon?- comes my way, and I yelp, using my Hiraishin to teleport away. I watch as the water dragon destroys the ground where I previously was.

I wince, but jump back into the fight anyway— but before I can something whacks me into a tree. The air leaves my lungs, leaving me to gasp as I turn around.

I see a weird creature staring at me. It was some sort of sick mix between a caterpillar, a frog, and a horse. I cringe away- what the actual hell.

It makes a weird squelching noise, launching itself at me.

I shunshin onto another tree branch, eyes furrowed as I wonder how to beat it.  Out of the corner of my eye I see movement, and I take a step back, Kakashi steps in front of me, ready to fight me.

I pull my staff out, aiming to hit his stomach, he blocks and tries kicking me, I dodge that and the wood coming at me from the left.

I groan as I also see the creature coming at me again— apparently it found me.

I shunshin away, grabbing out my added chain, launching the bladed end at the creature, and pulling-- effectively ripping it in half. It slowly stops moving, but I have no time to dwell on it as Kakashi and Tenzo approach me again. I put away the weapon quickly.

Kakashi preforms some hand seals, electricity branching out-- I jump-- one of the streaks narrowly missing me.

Tenzo comes in, kicking my face causing me to fall back onto the electricity.

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