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She instinctively buried her head in his chest as there was another jump scare, and once again she felt his chest roar with laughter, as the scene came to an end Christian softly rubbed her shoulder

"It's over Gabby" she turned her face back to the TV still resting her head on his chest, he didn't mind as he started drawing circles on her back.

About 20 minutes later the credits were rolling as Chris was laughing at Gabby
"The funny thing is YOU said we should watch Stranger Things "

Gabby threw her head back in annoyance "it didn't look that scary!"

They looked at each other and burst out laughing

At the same time Valerie walked out the elevator with their MacDonald's order, swiftly moving in between the woman running around, going back to her mom's office and closed the door behind her, when she looked up Christine was laying on the black leather couch in the corner of the room reading

She gave her the cheese burger and large fries she ordered for her, then she walked to her moms mini fridge and grabbed two cokes and gave Tina one before going back the her seat in the window that had a soft small mattress with fluffy white and brown pillows and a fluffy white blanket that Atrius was fast asleep on

She gave her the cheese burger and large fries she ordered for her, then she walked to her moms mini fridge and grabbed two cokes and gave Tina one before going back the her seat in the window that had a soft small mattress with fluffy white and b...

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she took out her nuggets and fries and went back to her movie petting Arty making him wag his tail

About ten minutes later Tina's voice was heard

"When will your mom be done with her meeting? " Val looked up at Tina who was still reading as she asked the question

"Ummm, well it's" the blue eyed girl looked down at her phone checking the time as a strand of hair irritatingly fell in front of her face

"it's 4:12 so anytime soon" as she tucked her hair behind her ear as the door opened and her mom walked in

"Hi sweetheart, I know it's a Saturday, but I'm going to have to stay late tonight, you can stay longer if you want to but if you want to get home by sevenish, you guys can take the car, I'll take a company car" the woman combed her fingers soothingly through her daughters hair

"Mmm" the girl loved it when her mom did that, the woman gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead, walked over to Christine giving her a kiss too then she went to her desk and started looking through a pile of papers on it

The girl sighed turning to her cousin seeing the longing look for a motherly touch in her eyes, she gave her a sad smile before getting up and collecting her stuff, she walked to her mom and gave her a hug

"Your MacDonald's is in microwave" she kissed her mom's hair turning to her dog

"Thanks sweetie" the loving woman said to her daughter, the girl sent her mom a smile before calling Arty, picking him up, she walked to the door looking back at Christine nodding to the door silently telling her that they where leaving

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