Just another Monday

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Gabriela avoided Christian for the rest of the weekend, but it's kind of hard to avoid someone when the last seat on the bus is next to them, Gabby rolled her eyes as she sat down next to him, his eyes glued to her as she put her bag under the seat

"...let me guess, you scared off anyone who wanted to sit here" she turned to look at him "right?"

"...well" he stretched, adjusting himself and it took everything in the green eyed girl to not look at the tiny bit of abs that revealed itself as his shirt slightly slid up his body before he pulled it back down "you keep on avoiding me, and you didn't even let me explain"

"ok..." she looked him dead in his eyes "explain"

he took a deep breath before taking her hand, or at least trying before she pulled away crossing her arms, he was a little hurt but he knew she wouldn't let him off the hook that easily "look what I said was stupid and messed up" he looked down at his hands for a second before slowly trying to take her hand again, and after some resistance, she let him take it "and I get why you're mad, I do..." he softly drew circles in her skin setting off butterflies in her stomach before looking her in her eyes again "I just.." he ran his free hand through his hair " you know how people talk in this town... I didn't want anyone thinking things before I figured out things myself"

she scoffed making him frown, she looked around the bus before looking at him again " look, if you wanted something casual , you could have told me, but you didn't" she pulled a sarcastic sad face, making him very confused "because you knew if you said that, nothing would have happened" she then became serious "and I'm not mad, I'm hurt, because out of everyone, your the one person I thought would never pull something like that" she grew more irritated with each second that passed "I mean, you know what I've been through, the real shit, yet you still said that..." tears started forming in her eyes

"I know, and I'm sorry, I fucked up, I know that, but please give ma another chance" he looked at her desperately wanting her to say yes, she looked down at their hands before taking hers away, as her fingers left his he already missed the feeling of her skin

"I need some time to think" a single tear ran down her cheek, he tried to wipe it away but she turned away from him wiping it herself before putting in her earphones and blasting a TSITP playlist, which was currently playing "sex, drugs, etc." by Beach Weather

Christian didn't bother her again, because she already shut him out


The rest of the school day went in a blur which Gabby was snapped out of when Val turned to her annoyed "Are you listening? what's up with you?"

Gabby shrugged zoning out on a bush of.... pink? no red flowers, or maybe orange? whatever she didn't really care, it was all blurry anyways

"Never mind, be a bitch about it" Valerie rolled her eyes at the girl "so what is everyone's plan for summer? all I know is I can't wait for Friday" Val said as she held her knees 

"Well, Will said me and Gab's can work at 'Good Times' this summer if we wanted, I can ask if he needs one more" Christine said moving in front of Gabby so she could braid her hair

"Thank, but I'm interning at my moms compony this summer" Valerie pulled out a joint as she spoke

"VALERIE!" Gabriela whisper yelled grabbing it out the blue eyed girl's hand and shoving it in her pocket "we're on school grounds!"

the girl scoffed at her friend "and....?" 

Gabby sighed "look I know your going through your own shit, but some of us can't risk being caught with a joint at school and only get a slap on the wrist" 

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