No Need To Be Afraid...

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Before getting into how you can fight against the enemy, I want to tell you that there is no reason to be afraid. 

I know that learning about spiritual warfare can be nerve-wracking, because it was to me at first. After all, I got saved to be in relationship with Jesus-- not fight against the enemy. Little did I know, this is all a part of being saved. 

Like I mentioned in the first chapter, the devil automatically fights against you when you become saved because he wants to get you back into living in sin.


There is NO reason to fear the devil and worry about what traps he has set for you.

The good news is when Jesus rose from the dead, he gave us victory over the enemy. There is so much power and authority in his name. 

2 Timothy 1:7 says "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER and of love and of a sound mind." 

So, whenever you feel that spirit of fear creeping up, you have to know that it's not from God and choose to ignore it. The enemy has no leverage over you if you don't give in to him. If you are operating out of fear, then you are giving the enemy space to torment you. 

Let me give you an example (If you can't tell by now, I'm an example girl lol).


Morgan is working a late night shift at a convenience store. As she's checking a customer out, he pulls out a gun and attempts to rob her. Overcome with fear, she cries out and hits the floor. At first she is paralyzed, her body trembling in places she didn't even know could tremble, until she remembers that her manager is in the back room. She presses a button on her badge which will call her manager for help. 

While Morgan is laying on the ground visibly frozen in fear, the robber is taking all the money out of the register. At this point, it seems like he will get away free with the money. She presses her button again but her manager still doesn't come out of the back room. She begins to hyperventilate due to her fear of getting shot. 

After the robber gets all the money he wants, he runs out of the store. 

Morgan waits for what feels like an eternity for her mind to process the fact that she is now safe. She gains the courage to stand and immediately bursts into tears. Her manager emerges from the back room. 

"Why are you crying Morgan?" Steve asks. 

"What do you mean why am I crying?? We were LITERALLY just robbed and you didn't come help me when I called for you! What were you doing?!" 

He starts to laugh under his breath. Noticing the agitation on her face, he quickly responds. "Do you really think I wouldn't help you?"

Suddenly, an annoying combination of bright blue lights and loud sirens fly past the store. 

The room is immediately silent. Morgan remembers how earlier this week Steve had a button installed under his desk that calls 911 as soon as you press it. 

She grabs him and hugs him tightly. After a while she whispers, "I knew you always had my back."


When we are going through spiritual warfare, it's easy to feel like we are Morgan. You call on God (Steve) and it seems like nothing is changing. You pray and believe and it feels like nothing is changing. You fight and fight and fight but it still feels like nothing is changing. Just in time, God will step in to help you every single time.

The battle can seem scary but always remember Isaiah 54:17. 

"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."

This means that the weapon is going to be formed and it may look big and scary but through Christ, it will not prevail over you.

Now let's get talk about how to fight back. 

Spiritual Warfare: Winning the Battle Against an Unseen EnemyWhere stories live. Discover now