Chapter 12

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I walk out of the house, taking in a deep breath of the midnight air. I put my hands in my (Insert color) hoodie, gripping the pocket knife I brought with me.

I stroll down the street, listening to my sneakers slap the cold wet sidewalk.

I see my breath in front of me as I continue.

I walk at a quick pace; I'm a girl with a mission.

I hate being out this late, last time I did this I was almost murdered. But where I'm going... that situation might be inevitable.

I walk for about another hour, entering the woods and following a hidden path I read about. It'll be another half hour until I reach the alleged mansion that houses the Creepypastas'.

The cold wind blows my hair to the side, sending a chill down my spine, my legs tremble slightly in my dark jeans. But I ignore it and continue on my way.


I walk in silence until I reach the far end of the woods, entering, passing trees and walking at my steady pace.

My legs were tiring and I was yawning, but I was determined to make it.

I blink often as the cool winter breeze blews, making paws with my sweater and watching out for tree trunks and debris-like rocks. The trees progressively get more cluttered and the rocks grow mossy.

The fog thickens around my ankles and I nervously continue.

I heard owls' hoots that sound more like screams in my ears. I often stumble now that I can't really see the long extended tangles of tree roots and moss covered rocks.

Sometimes I'll fall to the floor, but quickly pick myself up and shake the mud and grass off myself.


"Holy...." I whisper as the mansion finally comes into view.

I step closer and closer, until I'm right in front of it.

In one upstairs window I can see a room with soft lights flickering.

I try to step back to examine a little more, but I back into something, or someone.

I slowly turn to find an extremely tall.... man? He's got paper white skin and low hanging inhuman arms the attached to razor-sharp claws.

I look up to the man, but he has no face, just an outline to the facial features he should have. His head is tilted to the right, looking down at me.

I see somethinh behind him, they looked like oversized black worms protruding from his back.

I'm about to scream when I'm tackled.

I close my eyes, moaning from the impact, when I open them I'm faced with a demon mutt.

He has red fur and a big set of what look like human teeth. His beady black eyes glare into my fearful ones.

"Smile. Get off the girl." I hear a raspy voice call.

The hell hound gets off of me and I sit up slowly. I see the new person, the one controlling the hound.

He stands tall, not as tall as the faceless guy, but tall... like Toby.

I've read up on these guys... and I'm familiar with the tall, pale white, scary faced boy standing only feet away beside Slenderman.

His hands rest in his white bloodstained hoodie, I know he's got a knife in there. The boy walks a step closer to me, the fog seems to clear up.

"Jeff the Killer..." I whisper in slight awe.

Jeff looks at me with curious eyes. "You know of me?"

"Y-yeah... I know about all of you... I uh... I came to see Toby... if he's here that is..." I say nervously.

"Silly human girl... what makes you think you can make the endeavour through the Slender forest and go about your life unharmed?" He asks, stepping forward, pulling out his knife.

I step back further and further until I back into a tree. Jeff is on me in seconds, towering over me in a very intimidating manor.

I tremble in fear as Jeff roars at me to look at him, when I don't he grabs both my arms in one large hand and holds them above me. He uses his blade to lift my chin up.

I look into his black soulless eyes. As his Neverending smile burns into my mind for life. I almost scream as he Leans in and smells my hair, brushing his nose against my necks gently.

"You smell delightful." He smiles. "Now tell me, what is your business with Toby."

I try to talk, but I'm frozen in fear.

"You refuse to talk, and you will die." He roars again.

I try again to quickly gain control of my body, but not quickly enough.

"Fine, silly human. Then why don't you just... Go. TO. SLEE-"

Jeff is cut off by an arm grabbing his, the black gloved hand pulls Jeff's off my wrists. I follow the hand to a midnight blue hoodie. I knew instantly who it was. And for once I was happy to see him.


"Bro. Leave her alone." He says to Jeff in a low growl.

"Why? She's just a silly human girl." Jeff chuckles darkly.

"Maybe, but she's mine. If you harm her... you'll be the one going to sleep."

'Mine?' I repeat in my head.

Jeff scoffs. "Yours? She said she was here for Toby."

"Her and Toby were a thing. But not for long after we tell her the truth. Then I'll steal her for my own." He say, looking at me.

"W-what do you mean... what h-happened to Toby?" I ask, worried and confused.

"Calm down, babe." Jeff chuckles. "We don't even know. He just disappeared one night. Took his stuff and just left."

"Toby...." I mutter under my breath... "Why?"

"Oh we don't need him, (Y/N). I've got you and you've got me. We'll be together forever." He says, and I can assume he's smiling.

"You're crazy!" I mutter, trembling.

"Oh aren't we all!" Jack shouts and the two chuckle darkly.

I start to run the opposite way, I hear footsteps after me, and then the words:

"Don't. She'll come back on her own."

With that I run the entire way home.


Holy shit guys.
Jack's a lil dick of a hero.
I love Jack. But Toby. And Jeff. Ehhhhhh.
I think BEN will be in soon. And Masky and Hoodie. And others. So don't worry.
Ily guys. Enjoy the longer update cx.

¤ Madi ¤

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