Episode 7

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Rm - hey sweetie.....

Yn was too shocked to say anything so she just texted him to say something

On the text

Yn - you are my english professor!!!!!!

Rm - well yeah of i am are you that shocked that you can't even say anything. Come on i want to hear my sweetie voice .

Text ended

Yn - wait you never told me about it *angry pout*

Rm - yeah we will talk about it later come on let's go in

Yn - i don't know how many more surprises i will get first mary than jimin oppa and now you and dad is still left. Huhhhhhh.............

Rm just chuckled at her and said

Rm - yeah think about it later come on let's go

With that yn amd rm went into the class .

Rm - Class today we have a new student please introduce yourself

Yn - hi everyone i am kim yn i am 17 years old hope we can get along.

Rm - ok yn you can go and sit beside choi soobin and soobin you can tour her the school during recess.

I went and sit beside him and then oppa started his class

"Not ganna lie oppa is a really good teacher" yn thought

Time skip in science class

Yn - hi mary unnie

Mary - hi yn-ieeeee

Yn - so how wass your first class

Mary - mine was good how about yours

Yn - i will tell in recess

Time skip during recess
Yn pov

I saw mary unnie sitting with three people

Mary - hi yn-ieeee

Yn - hi unnie

Mary - this is lisa,rose and jisoo my new friends

Yn -  hi guys i am Kim yn

They all talk and then i asked something

Yn - can you please tell us about this school and its teachers??????!

professor father ( feat. JIN )Where stories live. Discover now